Chapter 2

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XII. The Meeting

3rd Pov

"Good it seems that all of my Children are back" Kagaya said happy "Then we can start this meeting" he added

The room went silent for a moment every Hashira turned their heads to their Master , doing this they noticed the wall behind him only letting through two shadows.

You could see Rimuru's and Hinata's shadow as they were drinking tea right next to them and yet no one heard a single sound from both of them.

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Then their attention switched to their Master again as he bagan to speak "First of all it is good to see that everyone is here I am gratefull that my children came home without any grave injuries" Kagaya said

"Right only that brat Sanemi came home wounded again" Shinobu said sighing after all her people always need to fix him up

"Pfft , but it's kinda hot" Misturi said "not that he is my type .. but I love all of you" she declared happy

"Tsk those scars are the evidence that I killed far more demons then everyone of you kuhahah" Sanemi said

"sob .. That this child sob .. must suffer like this" Gyomei said crying like a waterfall

"Enough ! Listen to the Master" Giyu said and everyone went silent

"Thank you Giyu" Kagaya said smiling and made a short pause "As you can see today our Elders are listen to us. I heard that Shinobu met one of our Elders ealier. I should have told you about them I am sorry" he said

"What ? Did Shinobu poisen him or something" Igoru asked and his snake seemed interested

"I bet she was to flasy haha!" Uzui said laughing while Shinobu was sweating bullets and looked at the wall trying to see their reaction but both of them were still only listening and drinking something most likley tea in her eyes.

"Nothing really bad happens and I just wanted to tell my children about them. You need to respect them just like you respect me .. when not even more. Those two are special and not called Elders because they stopped fighting but they were one of those who supported building up the Demon Slayers. They are the ones that noticed that only our Swords can kill Demons. They are those who saw the creation of the Demon Slayer Corps with their own eye and those who trained the first Demon Slayers in existence" Kagaya said

The Hashira's couldn't believe what they heared , something this unimaginable. And they should even respect them more the their Master.

Everyone kept quite until Muichiro spoke "Not that I care about it .. but I thought we already fought about Demons hundrets of years"

Kagaya sighed slightly "That's something you should ask them" he said but no one really said anything. After all they were just told to respect them.

"Ah fuck it ! Oi you who the heck are you. I've heared about you before but never saw you and now you are here. What the heck do you guys even want!?" Sanemi shouted

Rimuru's life in KnY (Kimetsu no Yabai)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant