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(This Fanfic will have spoilers for Demon Slayer and TTIGRAAS , you have been warned. Still it can be differnet to the Manga/Light Novel. So if I change something don't cry please. Of course you can Inform me maybe it wasn't my intention to change it.)

I. Arrival

Rimuru's outfit

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Rimuru's outfit

(Don't own the Picture)

Rimuru POV

I opened my eyes , confused as what had happened. Touching my head because of the pain.

'Wait Pain ? I can't feel pain ?' I thought and then looked at my hand painted with blood

"What ? This can't be ?" I said confused

"Rimuru! You are awake" I heared someone saying my name so I looked around me. Then I saw my old nagging friend.

"Hinata what are you doing here ? Where are we ?" I asked as I stood up

"That's a good question in what did you dragged me again !" She said angered

"Huh what do you mean ?" I asked still confused

"Don't play dumb. You dragged me along into that portal !" She said and catched angry my clothes only to toss me around like a crazy woman

"Wow wow stop it Hinata !" I said and she calmed down

/Ciel .. care to explain ?/ I asked with a wicked smile in my face after all .. I did not walk through that Portal myself.

/Master asked for a Holiday/ she simply said

/Holiday ? Really Holiday ?? Yeah but not in another world !! And what's with that Blood and my head hurts !/ I exclaimed angered

/Master asked for an Adventure/ she replied

/THEN why did you dragged Hinata into this too ?! Do you want me to die ?7 I asked as I feeled Hinata's cold stare on me which runned down several shivers on my spine.

/Master mentioned that he was lonely/ Ciel answered

/Never ever did I said all of this stuff !! You planned all of this don't you Ciel/

/That's your imagination Master said all this while he signed the paperwork/ She asaid with a smug face.

I sighed 'Well I guess .. maybe .. I said those things' I thought and then looked at Hinata

Rimuru's life in KnY (Kimetsu no Yabai)Where stories live. Discover now