𝟐𝟐. lost and found

Start from the beginning

Unexpectedly, Daryl appeared with the same look he always had: A scowl. Behind him, was Carol who had a jacket around her waist that was the same color as the dead grass, "Yeah, you were. What the hell?"

"Rick told us he was going out," Carol added. A familiar presence was by Kloe's side and she knew exactly who it was - Zayn. He stood there with Maggie beside him. They were all gathered around, and she was growing more concerned every new second.

"Damn it," Daryl hissed. "Isn't anybody taking this seriously? We got us a damn trail," he growled, until his eyes set on Shane who had the duffel full of guns over one shoulder and a rifle in his hand. "Oh, here we go."

Daryl began walking over to him harshly without hesitation. Glenn, Zayn and Kloe shared a brief glance as they watched the two men who had extreme noticeable anger. "What's all this?" Daryl questioned with annoyance, gesturing towards the duffel Shane was holding onto.

"You with me, man?" Shane questioned with lowered eyebrows, eyeing both Daryl and the rifle in his hand. Daryl muttered out an instant 'yeah' and took the rifle out of his grasp, cocking it. "Time to grow up," he continued, announcing to everyone. "You already got yours?" he asked directly to Andrea.

"Yeah?" she answered, still exceedingly confused with the situation. "W- Where's Dale?"

"He's on his way," he muttered out, a sense of aggravation in his tone as he handed a pistol over to T-Dog.

"Thought we couldn't carry?"

"Yeah, well, we can and we have to," he got closer to Glenn, Zayn, Maggie and Kloe and looked up at Carl, Patricia and Beth who were now in the gathering. "Look, it was one thing around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. But now we know it ain't," he then eyed Glenn and Zayn and stepped towards them with a rifle in his hand and offered it to Glenn, "How about you man? You gonna protect yours?" Glenn hesitated for a moment, glancing at Kloe as if he wanted her approval, except she only stared in shock, not sure on what to do. So, he looked at her older brother, who was nodding. He reluctantly took the rifle, clenching his jaw. "Yeah, that's it. What about you, Zayn? We all know here how much you wanna protect your sister, are you gonna protect her now?"

"I don't really have much of a choice, do I? I'll have to take it either way," the elder Schmidt replied, already taking the gun out of the duffel before Shane could.

"That's the spirit," he then turned to Kloe and she was already shaking her head furiously, but he only scoffed and turned to Maggie, "Can you shoot?"

"Can you stop?" she retorted, "You do this, you hand out these guns, my dad will make you leave tonight."

"We have to stay, Shane," Carl spoke up, stepping down the steps. Kloe only realized then that he had his dad's sheriff hat on, which was visibly far too big for his small head.

"What is this?" Lori suddenly appeared, swiftly walking towards her son.

"We ain't going anywhere, okay?" he assured Carl, but it clearly didn't work, "Now, look, Hershel, he's just gotta understand. Okay? He- well, he's gonna have to." He cocked a super small gun before making his way over to Carl, "Now we need to find Sophia. Am I right?" He knelt down in front of the young boy so he was eye level with him, and offered him the small gun, which took everyone by surprise, "Now I want you to take this. You take it, Carl, and you keep your mother safe. You do whatever it takes. You know how. Go on, take the gun and do it."

Lori harshly placed her hand on her son's chest and stepped in front of the man with an extreme look of anger on her face, "Rick said no guns. This is not your call. This is not your decision to make."

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