🥟Chapter 40~Not Good Enough🐭

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"Yuki...?" [Y/n] called out to him, noticing the male staring off out the window, "Is everything okay?"

Yuki looked at her and smiled. "It's nothing; just lost in thought." He said, and [Y/n] hummed. "If you say so... I went over the record from last meeting and tallied everything up." She said and handed him the binder.

"That was fast." Yuki said.

"Not really. You were lost in thought the whole time." [Y/n] said and smiled, "We're going to be third-years soon. Was that what you were thinking about?"

Yuki's expression seemed to change. It was a sad and longing look. He had so much at he wanted to say. "There's... something I've--"

The door slid open. "Hey, you guys, anyone seen Kimi's brush?" Kimi asked as her and Manabe came in.

"You probably left it at home." Manabe said.

"No way. I wouldn't leave the house without something so important." Kimi said. [Y/n] looked at them. "I haven't seen it." She said, inching away from Yuki.

"Yun-Yun, what about you?" Kimi asked.

"Me, either." Yuki said.

"Just give up..." Manabe said to Kimi.

'Somehow, I have to tell her. It may be selfish of me, but... I can't keep going without telling her how I feel. Akito can be cruel, especially to women. But I'll bear that burden if it means [Y/n] and I can be together.' Yuki thought as he clutched his fist


"Eh?" [Y/n] blinked in confusion while talking to Haru and Yuki. She could never get over how fast Momiji grew. It still left her in shock.

"Hey, guys! Over here. Wait up. We'll walk with you!"

"Look at that. S'crazy, right? If you didn't know any better, you'd think those two were a couple of lovebirds." Haru said.

"I will never get over how tall he's gotten." [Y/n] muttered.

"Oh, Hatsuharu! I heard the good news. About Isuzu, I mean." Tohru said.

"Yeah. I heard the same thing." [Y/n] said and smiled, "I'm glad to know she's okay."

"Uh. Yeah, that's right. I told them about the hospital. That you found out the address." Yuki said.

"Yeah. Sure did. Thanks." Haru said.

"We're heading home. Thought we'd stop for ice cream." Momiji said, "Hey, I know! Let's buy a bunch and eat it at Shii-chan's! You're in?"

"Heh. That sounds perfect." Tohru said with a smile.

"We'll get lots of flavors. And maybe an ice cream cake, too!"

Tohru fell to her knees. "Oh, no, we couldn't. Could we?"

[Y/n]'s eyes sparkled. "Could we?"

Yuki chuckled, "I'm guessing they've never had one before."

"And Honda's worried something so fancy sounding must be super expensive." Haru said, and [Y/n] chuckled.

The three friends began to walk home. Momiji was happily walking and talking with Tohru and [Y/n] while Haru and Yuki walked a safe distance behind them so they could talk.

"So... any progress with [Y/n], yet?" Haru asked, and Yuki sighed.

"No, not really. Why do you ask?" Yuki asked.

"I don't know. You both seem... happy with each other but sad at the same time." Haru pointed out, and Yuki looked at the ground. "I love her, but you know how Akito is. I'm willing to bear the burden of Akito's wrath, but I know the target isn't going to be me." Yuki explained.

𝒮𝑒𝓉 𝑀𝑒 𝐹𝓇𝑒𝑒 (𝒴𝓊𝓀𝒾 𝓍 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇)Where stories live. Discover now