🥟Chapter 37~They're Weird🐭

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"What about you, Kuragi?" [Y/n] asked.

"Yeah. Which of the colors would you choose?" Yuki questioned, and Machi looked at them as if they asked a difficult question.

'The question sent me reeling. I couldn't wrap my mind around it. Couldn't make sense of what they'd asked me. Who she was. Who he was. Or who I was. I'm nothing. An empty shell.'


Yuki sighed setting a stack of binders on his desk. "That's it. Done. The last major event of the school year is finally behind us." Yuki said, "Nice work."

[Y/n] smiled as she helped Machi put books and binders away. She had to admit, it was really fun.

"Same to you, Yun-Yun!" Kimi said.

"That doesn't mean we can slack off on our regular duties, though." Nao said.

"Don't be such a buzzkill, shortstack." Manabe said and hit Nao in the head.

"I bet you haven't even started on yours!"

"What are you talking about?"

They continued to fight, making [Y/n] sigh. 'There goes our peace.' [Y/n] thought.

"Ooh, ooh! Listen, guys." Kimi said, and [Y/n] stopped then looked at her, "Kimi thinks we should celebrate all of our hard work. So why don't we have a little party tomorrow?"

"A party?" Nao questioned.

"Yeah, you know that new restaurant. The fancy one that opened up close to here? They've got lots of good lunch deals and tomorrow's perfect since it's the start of winter break." Kimi said as Machi began to gather her things, "Kimi's sure you've been wanting to take her there. You have been, haven't you?"

"Enough with the shy act..." Manabe said while [Y/n] gave a deadpanned look.

"It could double as our year-end party. I like the idea." Yuki said, and [Y/n] noticed that Machi was leaving.

"Hey, wait, Machi." [Y/n] called to her, making the girl stop, "We'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, what do you say?" Yuki chimed in.

"No, it's okay! You don't have to be there, Machi. Or [Y/n]. Or you other boys for that matter." Kimi said, and [Y/n] shot her a glare, "Right, Yun-Yun??"

"Hey, what?" Manabe questioned.

"That's less of a party and more of a date." Yuki said, and [Y/n] sighed.

"I think I'll pass. But thanks." Machi said, and [Y/n]'s eyes saddened. "Uh. Do you already have plans tomorrow?" Yuki asked as he walked closer to her.


"Uh. Then is it the restaurant? Well, would you rather go somewhere else?" Yuki said.

'This again. More questions. Ones I don't know the answer to. Of course, they probably don't remember the other time.' Machi thought.

"Just stop. You don't need to worry about me, okay?" Machi said, "And besides, I don't really think my personal preferences are any of your business."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I thought it might help if I could see how the world looks through your eyes, you know?" Yuki said.

"Idiotic airhead alert!" Manabe screamed.

"Quit shouting! And where's that come from?" Yuki yelled at him.

"You're freaking me out! You and your airheaded ways!" Manabe continued to yell while [Y/n] tried to suppress her laughter, "Come on! Normal people don't talk like that!"

𝒮𝑒𝓉 𝑀𝑒 𝐹𝓇𝑒𝑒 (𝒴𝓊𝓀𝒾 𝓍 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇)Where stories live. Discover now