Cat Valentine - Soulmate AU 🦋 F

Start from the beginning



The h/c girl sat at her desk, music playing through the speakers of her headphones. She fiddled with her pencil absent mindly, thinking of what to add to the paper in front of her. So far, for her art project, she had written her and Carson's band name in big bold letters, with the design her and the boy had come up with a few months back. She knew there were details that needed to be added, but she just couldn't think of them. 

She heard the sound of laughing at talking coming from down stairs, presumably Tori's friends arriving. 'That means Cat is here too...' 

A deep blush rose to her cheeks, the thoughts of the redheaded girl flooding her brain. She shook the thoughts away, returning to her homework as f/s began to play on her playlist. She went to draw something else on the paper in front of her, the chorus of the song beginning to play.

About an hour passed, and Y/n was just about finished with the poster. 'What else should I add....' Staring at the paper with her brows furrowed, the girl fiddled with her pencil. She was so focused, that she didn't notice the sound of footsteps approaching her room. The door opened, and someone else poked their head in. 

"Woah, cool."

Startled, Y/n spun around and made eye contact with none other, then Cat Valentine. "Cat?"

"Oh- im sorry! I couldn't find the bathroom so I just started opening random doors...." The other girl said sheepishly, playing with a strand of her hair. The blush returned to y/n's face as she admired how the redhead looked, with her beautiful brown eyes and the way she played with her long, red hair. 

"Uh, it's fine. Don't worry about it...." Y/n said awkwardly. It was then when Cat noticed the poster on her desk. "Woah- did you make that?" She skipped over to the desk, and admired the art work. "Oh, heh's for an art project" Y/n said, flustered at how close she was to the other girl. Cat simply grinned, leaning on the table a mere 4 inches from the h/c girl. 

Y/n kept her gaze on the floor, hoping that Cat wouldn't be able to notice how red her face was, or how awkward the girl was. However, she snapped her head up when she felt a finger on her arm. 

Cat had begun to trace her soulmate tattoo, not taking note of the flustered girl. She seemingly wrote out her name on the other girls arm, even though it was already there, smiling at the thought that her name had been plastered on the h/c's for her entire life.

Y/n watched awkwardly, having absolutely no idea what to do. Should she say something?

Before she could, however, Cat beat her to it. "You don't seem to like me very much, do you"

"What?" Y/n said, surprised. How could she- no, how could anyone not like Cat? She was so lovable, and sweet. 

"Well, y' never talk to me. I always see you running away from me...."

Y/n stared at her, unable to form words. Was that really what she thought? "No- no no no Cat you've got it all wrong man."

"Well then why do you run away?"

"Cause-" Y/n paused. Was she actually about to confess to Cat? I mean- they were soulmates after all. They're meant to be with eachother- so why is it still so hard?

"Cause I was scared."

"Scared? What's that supposed to mean?!" Cat said, stepping back. Shit. Now y/n made her upset. "No, not- shit, not like that. It's just- you're so pretty, a-and sweet and I get all nervous when I'm near you, and-"

Just as Y/n was gonna continue rambling, Cat rushed forward. She wrapped her arms around y/n, squeezing her tight and burying her face in her chest. "Well why didn't you just say so?!"

Y/n stumbled back, unprepared for the force of the hug. She stiffened at the sudden contact, but soon melted into the hug. Wrapping her arms around the shorter girl, she rested her head on Cat's. "Never got the courage to, I guess."

Cat lifted her head to look at the h/c. "Well I'm glad you finally did." Y/n smiled, kissing Cat on the forehead. "Me too."


"Guys guys guess what?!"

Tori, Robbie, Andre, Jade and Beck all turned towards the stairs as their red headed friend came rushing down, a big smile plastered on her face. Behind her was Y/n, being dragged down by the smaller girl. 

"What's up, Little Red?" Andre said. "Y/n doesn't hate me!!" She responded excitedly, holding up Y/n's hand to show both of their tattoos. Jade raised an eyebrow. "Why would she hate you- she's always staring at you with hearts in her eyes." 

Y/n scoffed, looking away from the others in embarrassment. Cat just giggled. "I know that now." She then turned to Y/n, grabbed her chin and pushed her lips onto the taller girl's. Y/n widened her eyes in shock, before kissing back and wrapping her arms around Y/n's waist. 

The others cheered at them, while Rex scoffed. 

"Ugh- PDA"

"Shut it Rex"

Hey y'all- so sorry that took so long. I wasn't really sure how to write it. But anyways, enjoy, and thanks again for all the reads! <3

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