Chapter 1: Vacation

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Kiya's Pov

If I wasn't the definition of a party freak I don't know what was at the moment. I partied Monday to Friday but took some weekends off. Did I have a job? No not really. But I still made some of my own money except the monthly allowance I received from my grandmother.

I woke up with a loud groan with my head pounding. All the memories from the previous night came crushing down on me and I whimpered a bit. Hangovers were the worst part of partying and also this... I went running to my bathroom crashed on my bathroom floor and released all my contents in the toilet. I threw up much of the food I had eaten and the alcohol aswell. I tried my very best to keep my pink hair out of my face.

"Kiya!!" I heard my grandmother calling nearby.

"What?" I cried just trying to make the pain go away.

"Clean up and come down for some breakfast, we need to talk," her 'we need to talk's weren't any good.

I cleaned up as told. I took a warm shower and put on some fresh clothes. Living with my grandmother wasn't the best thing but I had no where else to go and plus I was living under her roof for free.

My phone buzzed in my hand and opened it. It was a text from Cleo one of my best friends.

Cleo: any plans for the night? ;)

Me: i think you know the answer to that?

Cleo: grandmother not holding you up?

Me: whatever the plans are for tonight bet I'll be there. Just gonna be a little late cause old lady seems grumpy today.

I sat opposite my grandmother on the dining table still texting Cleo and stuffing some toast in my mouth.

"Put that thing away," Grandma ordered.

"Just a second," I moved to view my ex's Instagram story. He had posted a girl from my uni class. I let out a hysterical laugh and was right in the middle of texting Cleo about it but my phone was snatched from my hold.

"What the?!!" She placed the phone in the center of the table.

"Now you listen to me Kiya, " she spoke firmly giving me a glare.

"Fine I'm listening," I folded my arms on my chest.

"Kiya I'm honestly tired of, you can do better than this," I knew where this was going, we had these talks weekly. I looked down at my nails, ugh I needed new ones.

"Hey Grandma what colour nails do you think would suit me?"

"I have had it in here with your disrespect...I'm not giving it a second thought, you're going on vacation, for a long time."

"Vacation, " excitement built up in my gut. "To where? Hawaii? Bali? The Maldives? Where granny tell me?" I whined. She stood up from the table and I rushed to her side.

"Please tell me, please!!" I pleaded.

"Herneston." A dark cloud came over me. Herneston was where my father lived before he passed away. He lived there with my older brother.

After our parents divorce they parted ways and split us aswell. The only times I ever got to see Kenneth was during our parents funerals. To sum it up, I didn't know the guy.

"No I'm not going there," I stood my ground.

"I didn't ask for your opinion just pack your bags and everything you might possibly need I'm driving you there today. And that's final."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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