A: I don't think there was any one thing that I noticed and thought "wow, this is really nice, I think I'll like him now" or anything like that. It was just a lot of the little things, y'know? His smile. His compassion. His laugh. His dimples. The way he said my name. I noticed things like that until I found myself yearning for them and getting excited when I saw him for no particular reason. So yeah, that's how I started liking him I guess.

Q: What's your favorite color?

A: I like pastel blue. It's a nice soft color and it reminds me of clear summer skies.

Q: Cats or dogs?

A: I want to get a dog so badly. I've wanted one since I was young but Papa is allergic to them, so we couldn't have any in the house growing up. But now Tyler has his mind on getting a cat when we move into our new apartment in a few months ever since he started caring for one of the campus cats that wander around. So, I prefer dogs, but knowing Tyler, we'll end up with a cat. Maybe we can get both, I don't know.

Q: Okay, so you loved Kyra, right? If you loved her as much as you claimed you did, how could you move on so quickly? It doesn't seem fair or make sense.

A *awkwardly scratches the back of his head*: I've said this before, the situation with Kyra was unfortunate and complicated, okay? It wasn't like I was 100% in love with her one moment and the next I was 100% in love with Tyler. As I've previously said, I was slowly falling out of love with Kyra and into like with Tyler. And it's not like I instantly 100% loved him when we finally got together. It's like a spectrum or a scale. But regardless, I can't completely verbalize or even understand why emotions work the way they do, nor will I try to. I'm happy now and that should be enough.

Q: Do you see yourself marrying Tyler someday?

A: Oh definitely. I love him with all of my heart. We've been together for a bit over a year and during that time I've found more and more ways to love him. Yeah, we've had our ups and downs as a couple, like fights and stuff, but every couple does. But to answer the question, I 100% see myself marrying Tyler once we're financially secure. It's going to be beautiful, even more beautiful than my dads' wedding.

Q: What's your favorite memory with Tyler?

A (smiling like an idiot): I think my favorite memory with Tyler is every second we spent together over spring break. Not only was it nice to wake up next to him every day for a week after being separated for what felt like years, seeing his excitement as we explored Florida and Disney World is something I'll never forget. It was beautiful and it reminded me of how incredibly lucky I was to have him back. It was also funny watching him have debates with the other parkgoers about who the best Disney character was and why. As we've all seen, he gets very into his Disney arguments and cartoon philosophy.

Jordan: Side note, all of the random tangents Tyler has gone on about movies and TV shows are byproducts of my actual thoughts and conversations I've had with my friends. I was just trying to find a way to force it on to y'all.

Tyler (off stage): But you do agree with my points, right? Especially the Peppa Pig one, like they're literally all animals. All of them! All! Of! Them! How do they discern themselves from the zoo animals?!

Jordan: That's a question I ask myself every day. Next question: have you two had any further homophobic experiences since the All-State game?

A (Addi strokes his chin in thought): No, not really. At least, none to our faces, but I heard some talk back in high school that wasn't so nice. Oh, I did almost swing on a guy for hitting on Tyler while I was standing right next to him. He's lucky that Ty calmed me down or else he would've ended up in a hospital and I would've ended up in jail.

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