Bubble bath-🫧🔥gender neutral reader

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Story description- Bruce comes into your home all bruised up so you give him painkiller and run a bath for him. He insists you join him 👀

A/N- I haven't written in a while so I might be a bit rusty. I'm always open to criticism as long as you're polite lmao.

Also Bruce is taller than the reader purely because I go batshit (pun intended) over size difference
You sighed softly as you got comfy in your seat, the book you recently started reading resting gently in your palms.

Bruce hasnt text at all this evening..what if he's gotten into some accident.....no he can handle himself..


You flinched and looked up towards the source of the sound, it had come from upstairs. This felt like a typical horror story intro...the boyfriends out late..you hear a sound from upstairs and obviously you have to go and investigate.

Quietly, you placed your book on the coffee table and grabbed the bat you kept beside the front door...for emergencies obviously. With a deep exhale, you peered up the stairs.

"Bruce?" Your voice wobbled, the fear of an intruder combined with the shock of seeing him merging into one.

You stared in shock as you watched your boyfriend shut the window he had just climbed in through. You rushed up the stairs and grabbed his shoulders gently.

"Where were you? I was so worried. Why did you come in through the window?!" You blurted out before pausing and sighing.

"Are you okay?" You said softly, loosening your grip on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I should've contacted you. I'm okay." He said softly, his voice shaking slightly.

Your hands moved up to his face, your fingertips tracing over his cheekbones.

"I can tell when you're lying. Let me see." You knew that he had been injured by the shake in his voice. He couldn't hide that from you.

Bruce lifted up his shirt, revealing scattered bruises just beginning to take colour. You gasped softly, your hands drifting down to his torso to gently trace over the bruises before pulling the shirt down.

"Oh Bruce." You hummed softly before pressing a small kiss against his chest.

"I'll be fine..I've been through much worse than this, you know that." He placed one of his hands over yours, rubbing your thumb softly.

"I know..but still. At least take some painkillers and have a bath?" You titled your head as you looked at him.

"Hmm" Bruce grunted.

"I'm taking that as a yes." You smiled before diving into the bathroom and switching on the taps.

You grabbed bath salts, bubble bath and bath oils to mix into the hot water, knowing that the mixture would ease some of Bruce's aches and pains. He watched as you tottered around the house, grabbing things for him.

"You don't need to do all this y/n.." He spoke softly, you could tell he appreciated it due to the soft shine in his eyes. He regularly said more with his eyes than his words.

"I want to." You smiled as you passed him some painkillers with a glass of water. "Drink up."

To your suprise, he did as he was told.

"I've put clean clothes for you on the bed. You can just leave everything on the side table, I'll wash it for you before you head back to the manor." You gestured to the bedroom as you spoke.

"Thank you." A small smile marked his lips..so small you might've missed it if you weren't paying such close attention.

You nodded with a smile and turned to leave so that Bruce could get some privacy. He gently grabbed your hand and pulled you back.

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