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Third Person's POV

Millie didn't see Tony again until later that afternoon. Pepper had taken her to Tony's home after the press conference, but Tony didn't join them as he and Obadiah had to talk about what he had just announced to the world.

Millie spent that time exploring his mansion, not having much else to do. When she found out he had gotten home, she went to the basement of the house where Tony was in his workshop.

He looked up as she entered the room, meeting her eyes before looking back down at the workshop table he was sitting at. There was music playing, but Tony stopped that when he instructed, seemingly to no one in particular, "Turn off the music." And then the music just stopped. This would've confused Millie had Pepper not explained that there was an AI in the house.

Millie hung by the door for a moment in silence before she broke it. "Pepper told me about JARVIS. I think it's sweet that you named the AI system after him."

"He was a good man and he practically raised me, so it was the least I could do in his memory," Tony explained, not looking up at her.

Millie sighed before pushing off the wall and walking over to him. "I miss him too, you know. Jarvis... and Dad. And I'll be honest, I don't know for sure what he'd think about the announcement you just gave, but I do know that all he ever wanted was to keep people safe. I mean, that's why he started this business to begin with. He cared about people and wanted to make the world a better place. You might not be doing it in the same way as him, but you're keeping his purpose alive, and I think he'd appreciate that, Tony."

Tony didn't react for a moment apart from stopping fiddling with the tools in his hand as he listened to her. Then he let out a slightly bitter laugh before looking over at the blonde woman next to him. "Growing up, I was always so jealous of you. I mean, to me, it seemed like you could do no wrong in Dad's eyes. He never had a problem showing his love and affection for you, but with me, he was a brick wall. I did love you, but at the same time, I hated you."

Tony paused and Millie hung her head at his words. She knew that Howard loved them both equally, but she also knew how much it must've looked to Tony growing up like he was playing favourites.

Tony sighed and suddenly all hints of bitterness and resentment left his face as he glanced down at his lap and then back up at her. "But I now realize that I shouldn't have blamed you for Dad's actions. So again, I'm sorry for the things I said to you that day."

"I'm sorry too, Tony. It didn't take long after that argument for me to realize how much I regretted saying the things I did. But I didn't want to face you again. I thought you hated me and, after that argument, I wouldn't blame you if you did. So I ran away and hid from my emotions instead, diving into work. But I did keep tabs on you through the years, and I never wanted anything but happiness for you." Millie told him, her eyes showing how sincere she was.

Tony cracked an amused smile, which seemed so out of place in that moment to Millie. "What?" She questioned, unable to stop as a smile grew on her face that mirrored his.

"I was just thinking about how ironic it is that I said we weren't siblings and yet we're more alike than either of us knew," Tony said before his smile faded slightly. "I was too stubborn to admit to myself that I regretted my words for years, but when I did, I broke down. You're the only family I've got left, Millie, and even before that day, I treated you horribly. I was too much of a coward to ever try to reconnect with you because I also thought you must've hated me. That's why I couldn't believe it when I saw you in that helicopter back in Afghanistan. I never thought I'd see you again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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