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Third Person's POV

It took three months of searching before Tony Stark was found. Millie spent those three months obsessively trying to find him, trying not to lose hope that they would.

Most of the time she searched with Colonel Rhodes or "Rhodey" as he eventually told her to call him or with other groups of military personnel. When she was with them, she refrained from using her powers as there were limited people who knew about them and she planned on keeping it that way.

Most of the people at S.H.I.E.L.D. knew about her abilities, as did high-ranking officials in the American government, but other than that, the only person who was still alive (she hoped, at least) that knew was Tony.

However, at night, she would sneak out of their base and look for him by herself, carefully using her powers as assets in her search. But after months of not finding him, Millie was starting to lose hope.

So when she finally found him, on one fateful day, she almost couldn't believe it. He was stumbling through the desert, having seemingly escaped from his capture without the help of Millie or the American military.

Millie was in a helicopter with Rhodey and a few others when they spotted him. Tears immediately shot to her eyes and she was filled with an immense amount of relief at just seeing him, even from a distance. The helicopter flew closer to him and Tony fell to his knees with relief as he saw the helicopter lower to the ground.

"Tony! Tony!" Millie shouted his name as she scrambled out of the helicopter and sprinted towards him. The first time Tony heard her calling his name, he thought he had imagined it. It had been a while since he had water and figured his dehydration was just causing hallucinations. The sun was blocking his view of the people exiting the helicopter, but he thought the helicopter held just military personnel and he hadn't heard Millie's voice in almost twenty years, so surely he imagined it.

But he heard it again, which seemed ridiculous to him. There was no way he was actually hearing what he thought he was hearing. He lifted his hand to block out the sun and that's when he caught sight of her. Millie was running towards him faster than a regular human could run, but he already knew she wasn't a regular human.

He felt so many emotions seeing her – shock, relief, happiness – but he also felt such a strong wave of guilt and regret wash over him that it made him flinch, just as she came to a stop in front of him. He also noticed that apart from her clothes and the length of her hair, she looked exactly the same as she had nineteen years ago, something that shocked him despite the fact that he knew that she didn't age.

Millie glanced up and down at him, her eyes wide in horror. He was wearing just a tank top and pants, his actual shirt wrapped around his head to protect himself from the sun. His arms and some of his face were coated in dried sand and dried blood, and it looked as if one of his arms were broken or at least sprained.

"Tony..." Millie was at a loss for words. She had no idea how he felt about her nowadays, but she loved him and seeing him like this broke her heart, although she was also extremely thankful that it wasn't worse than it was.

Hearing his name come out of her mouth in such a soft and caring way was the last straw for Tony. A tear slipped down his cheek as he put his non-injured hand on her shoulder and pulled her into his arms in one swift motion.

"I'm so sorry, Emilia. I didn't mean what I said that morning," Tony spoke words that he had wanted to tell her for years, but just didn't have the courage to reach out to tell her. Tears started streaming down Millie's cheeks as she hugged him back. "I didn't either."

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