As they followed Winifred, Bagsy looked at Mezrielda and frowned. 'What do you mean? Mezrielda, you didn't do it, so you should have told them that!'

Mezrielda pursed her lips. 'It's difficult to explain. My situation, my family situation, is rather unique. I doubt anything I said could convince the school of my innocence given the incriminating modulator and spell history of my wand. I doubt eve your word could have swayed opinion. My best option was to claim it was a reckless mistake with no true malicious intent, and beg for forgiveness and, for now, it's worked.'

'But you have detention!' Bagsy protested. 'That doesn't sound like it worked.'

'It's better than being expelled or losing my scholarship,' Mezrielda pointed out. She lowered her voice, furrowed brow into a serious expression, and spoke as if her words could summon demons were they too loud. 'I haven't told you yet but getting expelled isn't just getting expelled for me. If I'm kicked out of Hogwarts, if something as bad as that goes permanently on my record, then-'

'Through here,' said Winifred, ducking into the space, and unbeknownst to her cutting off Mezrielda.

Bagsy glanced expectantly at Mezrielda. 'What were you going to say?'

'Nothing,' Mezrielda said sharply, shaking her head to herself. 'Forget I said anything.' She went next, unperturbed by the dark corridor as she followed where Winifred had gone. Bagsy hesitated, then decided being alone outside the corridor was worse and went in after.

The passage led into a large, circular room with at least ten other students, all Ravenclaws, clustered in small groups around the place.

'Welcomeeeeee!' Winifred cried, throwing her arms out and spinning dramatically, 'to the Eagle Cluuuuuuub!'

Robin, who'd been with some first year Ravenclaws, hurried over to her sister. 'New members?'

'Yeah. We're expanding beyond Ravenclaw!' Winifred called loudly to the other members of the club. There was a murmur and then a spattering of applause. 'Let's show 'em what we've got! Three! Two!'

'Why is she counting down?' Bagsy whispered fearfully to Mezrielda, backing away.

Mezrielda stepped in front of Bagsy, drawing her wand. 'Get ready,' she murmured forebodingly.

'One!' Winifred drew her wand and shot a jinx their way. The other Ravenclaws did much the same, a rainbow of lightning bolts cascading like chromatic spray at them.

'Reverto!' Mezrielda cried, her voice echoing around the room. The robes she was wearing extended suddenly and reared up like horses, kicking out their front legs, incredulous whinnies echoing like the sharp cut of a scythe. The jinxes and spells collided with the fabric and bounced off with each kick, shooting back towards their senders. When Mezrielda's robes returned to normal size, fluttering around her legs as if there were a gentle breeze, the other Ravenclaws had boils on their faces, legs locked together, or were hiccoughing madly. Bagsy had caught a few spells, her hands blowing up like balloons, and her legs turning to jelly, but Mezrielda stood unaffected.

Curses were reversed, jinxes were countered, and soon everyone stood back up, Bagsy included, free of their injuries.

'See? What did I tell you all!' Winifred exclaimed and the Ravenclaws nodded approvingly. 'I mean, the Huffle-puffle is a bit of a truffle,' Winifred said in a sing song voice, to a few giggles, 'but they're a package deal, so I figured, you know, why not go for it?'

'Her name is Bagsy,' Mezrielda said harshly, putting her wand away. 'What is all this, Winifred?'

'Didn't you hear me? Good at duelling but maybe you've got fluff in those ears.' Winifred shrugged, then gestured at the Ravenclaws around her. 'This is the Eagle Club. It's were the best of Ravenclaw meet to become even bester.'

Bagsy Beetlehorn and the Corvid Trials (The Bagsy Chronicles 2)Where stories live. Discover now