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Adeline -

Years have passed for all of us. My brothers are learning anything and everything from father at home and at school. They have much change over the years. My sisters have toned down their attitudes so what.

Mainly Elena and Caroline always give dad a hard time. It drives dad crazy most of the time. Causing him to make plans for both of them that I know of, and they are going to hate this so much.

For me I have succeeded from school. Where I want to have a job as a writer, make stories for anyone that wants to read. But dad wants me to have a backup plan for a career in my life. Which I can understand, but I have no idea what to do. There is not much I can do of my issues with my heart people over look me.

So one night in my room my door opens up showing my father. Sitting up fully on my bed.

" How are you doing Adeline".

" I am good dad. Dad I know that you want me to have a backup job but there is not much I can do."

" Well let me see about this. You work for an Alpha I know as his assistant for his incorporate buildings he owns. Last time I checked he needs help in his business. So why not you?"

" Really dad?"

" Yeah. The Alpha will look after you and you will be set up for a while, and I can sleep at night that you will have a future."

" Thanks dad".

With that dad kissed my forehead and left my room, readying myself for bed for the next day.

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