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Alpha Magnus - 

A few weeks earlier I was contacted by the king that his daughter would be working in many buildings I own. I agreed that she could do that, I would not mind that she works here. So since then I have been figuring out were to put her since she is going to be my assistant she would need to be close. 

As I was done getting dressed for the day  for work in the building, leaving my Gamma in charge of the pack until I get back. Me and my Beta leave the main pack house driving to work. I was told by my beta that the Princess will arrive soon. I am picturing that she will have a full guard with her, that she would be a brat and spoiled. I am doing this as a favorite towards the king. 2 hours later the princess should be here in minute now. So I thought it would be good that I step from my office and meet her. 

As I was going down from the elevator just thinking to myself. My wolf was getting strange all of a sudden. The doors of the elevator opens up and I smell this scent that is pulling me towards it. I walk slowly towards the smell and I know that the smell is my mate, having a good scent of lavender and rain water, I was locked in.

Turning the corner seeing this small creature that was stunning to the eyes, inside my head my wolf was jumping around from looking upon our mate. When I heard her say that her name is Adeline I had to stop for a minute and think because the king's daughter name is Adeline. Is this the princess that was supposed to be here? She looks like a runt or a omega. When the woman at the front desk the name escapes me talked bad about my mate I lost my control towards the woman and I connected my eyes to the small flower in front of me. 

I brought the princess up to my office. I was fighting my wolf as he wanted to mark her right then and there. 

" Princess Adeline.." 

" No ,please just call me Adeline". 

" I have to ask why are you?  You could have done anything that you wanted, I know that your father wants you to work here. Let me tell you that I have agreed to his wishes as a favorite towards him, to help you out. But before I let you work in my businesses I need to see how good your work ethic really is. So I hope you can see that I do not need a spoiled brat princess that will not do any work that I give her, you will need to pull your wait". 

My wolf was yelling at me for being a dick towards our mate, and even so I can agreed that I was a little harsh. 

" Well Alpha Magnus, I can promise you that I am not a spoiled brat. Yes I have the title of Princess of the king but I have worked ever since my father find me and my siblings. I have had many jobs in the past, I like to work, to earn my way. If you wanted a spoiled brat then you must look towards my sisters. I have no problem pulling my weight in anything that I do. My father wants me to have a backup job in place so I can still the writing that I loved to do. I agreed to him that it was the best choice on coming here alone. I do apologize for wasting your time on matters that you were not told of. Here is everything that you will need to see if I stand for your guidelines." 

When she spoke I was in heaven as her words filled my office. But every word  that she said stabbed me in the heart. I knew that I hurt her feelings, I did misjudge her and how she started of my saying " Alpha" towards me, I hated it. I only want her to call me by my name. I picked up the folder she placed on my desk, the folder was full of places she worked before coming here. Looking in her eyes I could see that she was crushed by my actions of not claiming her as my mate.  

" This very good Adeline. You have the job, and can start tomorrow. I will send you everything to your email when you leave. Have a good day. 

" You as well Alpha". 

I really hates it when she calls me that. I saw her leave the building and seeing her car disappear from view. 

I messed this up so bad. 

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