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Adeline -

We all went to school, I saw my best friend Skye she is the only true friend I have ever had. She is the same as us. Her parents are deltas of the pack.

It makes it better to have a friend who is the same as you. The school we go to is a human school, many werewolves are mixed in with the humans. And no human knows about werewolves, most believe it as myths. However I get through my classes. Ending at gym, because of my weak heart I can not do certain things. So I sit on the bench and read a book that I took out from my backpack.

Soon enough school was over and I took the bus home where my siblings went with there friends and or girlfriends. Getting home, going to my room to do my homework I see a black SUV parked closely to our house down the road. At first I thought nothing it, maybe a new neighbor or one of the neighbors friends coming for a visit. Or maybe new wolves coming to stay?

I knew my mother was still at work so I am alone in the house for the time being. Time flew by, mom was home and she got dinner done and set the table for us. As I was eating, two of my sisters were being drama queens about some color that they wanted or something. I am not sure. Two of my brothers were having a food fight at the table. While my mother was yelling at them to stop. Dinner came to a quick stop because of the others.

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