Chapter 28: Confrontation

Start from the beginning

" Do you still want to hang out? " Kiyoko's voice brought her out of her own train of jealous thoughts, suddenly feeling guilty of even thinking bad about kiyoko's choice in people.

So Yuri opted to smile, grinning from ear to ear whilst latching herself to kiyoko's arm. " Yeah! I found this new arcade sometime ago, you'll definitely like it there! " She says, trying to distract Kiyoko from thinking about Keisuke.

The laugh that went past Kiyoko's lips made Yuri's heart swell with pride that she could make her laugh like this, " let's go, shall we? " Kiyoko asks as Yuri nodded frantically,

Pushing back the ugly emotion of envy behind her smile with lies seeping out of her mouth. Her attention solely focused on her paradise; if Kiyoko had wished for the world to burn, she would do so. Anything to keep her paradise happy. Even if it means copying Baji's personality.

" Yuri-chan? Oh—hello, hi! " A certain turd head stammers, cold sweat trickling down his forehead as goosebumps appeared on his skin. Shivering at the fresh memory of what the future Yuri had done to everyone.

Yuri blinks owlishly at Takemichi, looking around him to see if he's alone. " Eh, Takemitchy, why are you here? " She asks nonchalantly. Not really interested as to why he's here.

The Mikey-look-alike suddenly emerges from somewhere, holding a small pouch of tokens.

" Oh? Hi Yuri! " Takemichi's friend, Takuya greets, his greyish blue eyes crinkling like a crescent.

There was a minute of silence as Takuya's words were still processing inside Takemichi's head, an exaggerated ' Eh?? ' rumbles from him, looking back and forth to his friend and to Yuri. " You guys know each other?! " he looked visibly shocked as his eyes enlarged.

Takuya chuckles, as Yuri shrugs like it's not really a big deal. " She's my cousin, from dad's side, "

Takemichi blinked rapidly at what his friend had said. Studying their faces to see if they do have some of the same features. And yes they do.

Kiyoko, who just came back from the toilet, noticed that Yuri was suddenly surrounded by musty looking guys. Her gaze hardened with an intention to swing her bandaged hands to a certain blond boy. But her hurried steps came to a stop when she recognized who the guys were. " Oh it's turdhead, Hi Takemichi " she states, startling Takemichi who shrieked and clutched his chest.

" K—Kiyoko-san?!? Please stop doing that! " He stutters, sounding like a whining kid.

Kiyoko stares down at him with amusement swimming in her eyes, lips curving up in a smirk. " And if I don't? " She mused, slinging an arm on his shoulder as her words came out like a whisper,

" What are you gonna do 'bout it? " she teases, causing the blonde boy to erupt in redness and panic. Their faces were only an inch apart, at least that's how Yuri and Takuya saw it.

Damn, wish that that was me. Both of them thought.

" Please stop joking, " Takemichi laughs off, averting his gaze away from Kiyoko's.

" You're no fun turd head, " Kiyoko huffs, walking beside Yuri with a bored looking face.

" T—turd head? " He questions, kiyoko looks at him briefly with a scoff, " Yeah, you got turd on your head last time right? "

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