Chapter 12: Blissful moments

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It was a nice breezy night. Kiyoko and Sui decided to stay over a bit longer at Shinichiro's shop, since he offered to make them dinner. Kiyoko thinks he's planning something again.

" Woah, you can actually cook?. Unbelievable, " Kiyoko exclaimed, observing Shinichiro as he stirred whatever food he's cooking.

Shinichiro, smirked smugly as he flipped his bangs. " 'course I do, I used to cook for my siblings after all "

Sui stared at him suspiciously, sipping slowly on his tea. " Sure hope it's edible, Don't even try to poison us, sano-san "

" Rude! I'd never poison people! That's cowardly " he defended, pouting childishly.

Kiyoko just hummed at them. She was bored yet again, her bike is finished, her hands have been itching to drive it but she wants to show it to yuri first. Sadly, Yuri won't be back for a week.


She sprawled like a starfish on a couch, eyes staring at the plain ceiling. Oh, there's a lizard. She thought.

Maybe it was a bad idea to hang out with Shinichiro and Sui, it seemed like they had something planned for the night. Kiyoko mused. She was also there so it was postponed.

She always arrives at the bad times, what bad luck.

She turned her head, facing Sui who was sitting on the floor. Not-so-secretly watching shinichiro cook, there was even a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Kiyoko gently raised a brow at his actions. " He's gonna melt if you keep staring at him like that " her voice caught Sui off guard.

He jolted in place, averting his gaze away from Shinichiro, red hues started to paint his cheeks. " M'lady, I wasn't staring at him. " He faked a cough.

Oya?...seems like something is really between them. She finds it quite nice to tease people, the way they look flustered or annoyed by her words make her feel powerful.

Kiyoko smirked teasingly like Cheshire cat, her imaginary tail swishing in delight. " Hmmm~ really? Bet you wanted to hug him right now, look at shinichiro-san's wide back "

Sui spluttered out excuses, making exaggerated hand gestures to match the blush scattered on his cheeks and ears. " Well-uh-I was just making sure he wasn't gonna poison us! Y-yeah! Gotta make sure sano-san doesn't put anything suspicious! " He laughed awkwardly, scratching his nape.

A telltale sign of Sui that he is embarrassed or caught red handed. Kiyoko knows his body language quite well, seeing as she likes to observe people's mannerisms just for fun.

She hummed again, the teasing smirk never left her lips. " Whatever makes you sleep at night, Sui, " Kiyoko replied in a sing-sang tone.

" What're you guys talking about? me? " Shinichiro popped out of nowhere, startling a flustered Sui.Who accidentally slapped shinichiro's arm out of reflex.

" Don't just appear--like that Sano! " He grumbled. Shinichiro tilted his head in confusion.

Kiyoko smiled like a devious cat, " Sui was staring at your back, he thinks it's wide " she snickers when Sui's blush doubled.

Oh my. Kiyoko thought.

Shinichiro finally understands Kiyoko's plan, a sly smirk makes its way to his lips. " You like me that much Suiran~?it can't be helped, I'm really handsome after all-- "

" I'd rather lick. A grater " Sui retorted, glaring at shinichiro.

Shinichiro was used to how tsundere Sui can be. " Really? " He taunted.

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