"Sure, thanks Laffy" (Y/n) said, now back to her normal miss-naming self, as she got off the floor. Thankfully, Zoro had moved off of her, allowing her to do so. Thus, she walked over to Luffy, and took the bread from his hands, taking a bite out of it.

"Right! This ship needs a cook!!" Luffy announced in realization, confusing most of his crewmembers. The only one not confused was Zoro, who looked like he was sleeping. "Let's go find us a cook!" Luffy announced as he stood up, earning a brief silence from his crew members.

"I'm in, good idea, we'll have yummy food, even while we're out at sea," Usopp said, being the first to break the silence, as he stood up as well. "That's right! You got it! Haha!" Luffy said happily, while (Y/n) went back to munching on her bread, which tasted a bit stale.

"A cook? I know just the place and the food is gonna blow your mind" Johnny said with a smile. "Alright, let's go! Where to?" Luffy asked excitedly. "Consider yourselves warned, this place is close to the Grand Line, and I've heard a lot of rumors lately. That a certain Hawky man you're looking for is there" Johnny said as he stood in front of Zoro.

Zoro then instantly gripped his sword, showcasing that he wasn't asleep, as he smirked up at his old friend. "Set a course, North, North East!" Johnny said as he pointed in a random direction. Everyone smirked for many different reasons, except for one, (Y/n), who wasn't smiling at all.

As they got closer to the floating restaurant, (Y/n) got a little more nervous, knowing that the restaurant will bring chaos. While Johnny announced the restaurant's name, (Y/n) paid him zero attention, giving her attention elsewhere, looking like she was on high alert.

Zoro was the only one to notice her distress, frowning slightly in worry. Due to being on high alert, (Y/n) instantly took notice of Yosaku peaking out of the doorway. Then the sound of a boat honking at them gained her attention off of Yosaku. On the ship read "Marines" as it started to approach their ship, going in sideways.

"Tch, it's just my luck, of course, the Marines would show up" Zoro scoffed, unamused by the boat. "But, how did that ship..." Nami trailed off as Johnny tried to stealthily make his getaway. "I've never seen that pirate flag" the marine commented until he made eye contact with (Y/n).

"I, am Iron Fist Full Body, but you can just call me Sir. You, female, with the blindfold, you'll be coming with me!" The male announced suddenly. "EHHH?!!" (Y/n)'s crewmembers shouted out in disbelief, confused about why he wanted (Y/n). "What?! No way! Why do you even want her?!" Luffy asked accusingly, while Zoro gently pushed (Y/n) behind him in hopes of blocking the marine's view of her.

"Don't you know? She has a very hefty bounty on her pretty little head, I'd be swimming in riches!" The Marine said snarkily. "A bounty?" Luffy muttered as he glanced back at (Y/n) in confusion, having not remembered her showing off in front of any marines recently.

"Hey, why'd you call her pretty? Aren't I pretty as well?" A lady asked as she appeared from behind the marine, grabbing onto his arm. "No, my darling, of course not, she's but an ugly worm compared to your shining beauty" the marine flirted. Unknowingly pissing off Zoro, Luffy, and Nami, who are tempted to give him a piece of their minds.

"But, I will not leave without taking her with me, she will be rightfully turned in" the marine announced with a victorious smirk. "Usopp" Luffy muttered with a dark shadow covering his face. "On it" Usopp muttered back, also having a dark shadow covering his face.

With that, Usopp had set up their cannon and aimed it at the marine ship. The marine frowned in confusion, only for his eyes to widen as Usopp fired their cannon at them. "What are you doing?! SINK THEM!" The Marine yelled out, instantly getting his cronies to scatter about, setting up their own cannon.

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