Chapter 14

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14. The Plan


"Okay, so here's the plan. We're going to mess with Edward, which we always enjoy, and you'll reap the benefits, Bella. You know how Edward is, he's such a prude. He wouldn't be caught dead, or even undead, in a lingerie store, so he will wait outside the store for us, facing away from the store. He will also do his best to stay out of Alice's and my heads so as to not see anything he shouldn't. So, if you can get over your shyness of Alice and me, we can really mess with him. Every time you model something you want him to see, you'll model it for us in front of the three-way mirror. Then we'll take turns saying odd things that he can't help but want to investigate. He'll jump into either Alice's or my mind to see what's going on, and then he'll get an eyeful. What do you think?"

Could I do this? Was I willing to model teddies and sheer nightgowns in front of Alice and Rose in order to 'make' Edward look at them? What was the worst that could happen? Really? Well, Edward might get mad, but the images would be forever burned into his perfect memory, and I had no doubt he would pull them out and look at them again later. I did want to encourage him to progress our relationship, didn't I? But this was so soon. I'd only known him for not quite four days now. I'd been saving myself all this time. Would I really wish to become sexual with someone I'd known for only a few days? Then again, I knew I belonged with Edward for eternity. He was the someone special I'd been saving myself for all these years. Of course, we couldn't go the whole way anyway. I wasn't ready to be a mom quite yet. So, did I want to encourage him to take the next step in our physical explorations of each other's body? Absolutely. I'd soon be sisters with these two girls anyway. In the books, Alice had helped me shower with my broken leg, and Rose had carried me to the bathroom every time I needed to use it while pregnant. So, I really didn't need to fear being not fully clothed around them. They were family. They weren't interested in my body or anything, so I had no need to feel self-conscious.

"Okay, I can do this. It's a go with Operation Lingerie," I grinned.

"Finally! I thought you'd never stop debating with yourself," Rosalie teased. Alice giggled.

We headed off to the store and started picking through the racks. Alice kept giggling to herself every few minutes. Finally, we headed to the dressing rooms so I could try on a few things.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Alice sang excitedly.

Rosalie signaled that Edward was in position outside the shop. I hurried to get changed into the first teddy, a lacy piece in his particular favorite shade of blue. As I stepped back out into the main part of the dressing room and posed in front of the mirrors, Rose and Alice got into their positions to get the best possible view of me. Then, Rose began her plan of attack.


I took my sweet time taking the bags to the car, trying to give the girls time to find what they wanted and finish shopping. Or at least move to a store I wouldn't be ashamed to enter. I knew undergarments were necessary, and I thought about them as much as the next man. After all, we got multiple copies of the Victoria's Secret catalog mailed to our house each time. One to McCarty, one to Whitlock, one to Masen, one to Cullen, and one to Hale. We four men each grabbed one for ourselves to peruse in private and left the fifth copy for the girls to share amongst themselves. Hey, it was perfectly legitimate. They did commercials on TV for Pete's sake. Emmett always let us know when one of those came on, so we could all watch it. We pretended not to, of course, but even Carlisle would find an excuse to wander downstairs for a few minutes. Then, he and Esme would usually go back upstairs afterward. Like none of us knew what they were doing. Actually, Alice, Jasper, and I had way too much information about what they were doing. Rosalie and Emmett would be blissfully caught up in themselves, too busy worrying about what they were doing to think about anybody else. They'd head off to their room shortly thereafter. By then, Jasper would be overwhelmed by everyone's lust and Alice would be desperate for distraction, so she wouldn't mind in the slightest when he would suddenly grab her and throw her over his shoulder, cave-man style, and run up to their room. Personally, I would just go hunting. Woo. Hoo.

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