Chapter 104

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"You ready to be apprenticed tomorrow?" Weaselpaw asked Riverkit and Briarkit.

"I think so," Briarkit meowed.

Riverkit blinked. It had taken forever but it was finally here!

Meadowkit sighed. "I'm going to be stuck in the nursery for another whole moon."

Riverkit hadn't thought of that! She flicked her tail as she considered this. She wanted to be an apprentice so badly; they all did. At the same time, she wasn't sure if she really wanted to leave the other kits behind. What would she do without them?

So it was that Riverkit found herself waiting for Hawkstar to return to camp. He finally did with a hunting patrol and deposited his catch on the fresh-kill pile. Though her belly rumbled and her mouth watered she ignored it. This was more important.

"Hawkstar, can I talk to you?" Riverkit asked.

"Of course. What about?" Hawkstar gave her a curious look.

"Can we talk in your den?"

Hawkstar looked surprised. "Very well. Come with me."

Riverkit hadn't planned on entering the leader's den ever again yet here she was. She took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. She had to do this.

"So, what's on your mind, Riverkit?" Hawkstar asked.

"I know I'm six moons old now and I'm old enough to be apprenticed but I want to wait until Meadowkit is also old enough."

Hawkstar couldn't hide the shock he felt at this idea. "Why?"

"Meadowkit is my best friend and has been as long as I can remember. We were raised in the nursery together and I want us to train as apprentices together too."

"But Meadowkit is only a moon younger than you. You'll spend the majority of your apprenticeship together. Surely one moon apart won't make a difference."

Riverkit shook her head. "It will for us. I'll miss Meadowkit and won't be able to enjoy my apprenticeship or focus on my training without her."

"You're really willing to wait a whole moon longer for Meadowkit?"

Riverkit nodded. "Oh yes!"

"Did she put you up to this?"

Riverkit's eyes widened. "Oh no! This is all my idea."

"And how does Briarkit feel about this?"

Riverkit shuffled her paws. "He doesn't know anything either."

"Would you be happy if Briarkit were apprenticed and you stayed in the nursery?"

"Yes, I would because that would mean I'd still be with Meadowkit."

Hawkstar looked thoughtful. "I have to think about this, Riverkit. There's a lot I have to consider before I decide."

"I understand, Hawkstar. Thank you for hearing me out."

Hawkstar dismissed her with a nod and Riverkit left. She hadn't gotten an answer but she'd done what she could. It was up to Hawkstar now.

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