Chapter 31

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Swanflight awoke that morning with a stretch and rose to her paws. Her gaze fell to the nest beside hers to see Thistletail sound asleep. Before she could stop herself, her tail whisked fondly over his pelt.

The deputy shifted and for a horrifying moment, Swanflight thought he would awake but to her great surprise, he purred instead, snuggling deeper into his nest.

Relieved, Swanflight left the den but not before she saw something else that was equal parts amusing and sweet. Hawkstar had pressed himself against Wildbloom, broad paws splayed over her sides and his head nestled on her shoulder. The GrassClan leader had remained in the warrior's den since the storm over a moon ago despite the fact that his den had long been repaired. Bumbleflight had generously moved his nest so Hawkstar could continue using his old one. Both he and Wildbloom slept soundly.

Swanflight had noticed the two of them getting close. Though, for some reason, they hadn't declared themselves mates. They made a cute couple and more than that, they matched each other well in personality. She wondered why but it also was none of her business. Not wanting to disturb them, she slipped out into the chilly morning.

It was no surprise to see Birchleg already up. "Hiya, Swanflight!"

Swanflight definitely couldn't match his energy, but it was welcome all the same.

Stonesplash joined them shortly after that, blinking blearily in the gray morning light.

Last of all came Wildbloom.

"You and Hawkstar look so cute together!" Birchleg exclaimed with a wave of his tail.

"Do you have to be so loud?" Wildbloom hissed to the mottled tom, hurrying across to join the rest of their patrol.

Birchleg looked confused. "I'm always this loud."

"You really do look sweet together," Swanflight ventured.

"Could we please stop talking about this?"

"It's time we left on patrol anyway," Stonesplash meowed.

Wildbloom fell in beside Swanflight as they left camp, Birchleg just behind Stonesplash as they headed down the river trail.

"Swanflight, can I ask you something?" Wildbloom asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Swanflight gave her a curious look.

"What's going on with you and Thistletail?"

"Wha-what do you mean?" Swanflight stumbled and Wildbloom quickly steadied her.

"I mean that ever since Thistletail saved you from the fox, you've been acting

differently around him," Wildbloom elaborated then her eyes widened. "Wait, that's it, isn't it? You've developed feelings for him!"

It was Swanflight's turn to be embarrassed. "Yes, I have but not how you

mean! I'm extremely grateful to him for saving my life. I-I didn't think he would ever go out of his way for us volunteers. So, when he did, I was shocked and a little ashamed. I've been afraid of him with his mean looks and meaner personality. Yet, Hawkstar and Hareflight treat him like a friend. They know he has something better to offer than what he shares with the rest of us."

"I realized that it didn't matter how Thistletail behaved. I decided to be bold like

how you and Duskflower and Brightwhisker all are. If I wanted him to be friendly, then I needed to be a friend to him. I wasn't sure whether it would work but it couldn't hurt to try." Swanflight raised her head to meet Wildbloom's gaze. "And it's working. He's not my favorite Clanmate and he's nowhere near as easy to get along with as Birchleg or Brightwhisker but I'm not afraid of him anymore."

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