Chapter 21: "The day of fun"

Start from the beginning

Michael: "If it is a beauty for them, then I'll marry a femboy." He said it blankly with poker face.

Y/N: "Don't croak, Michael. Or you will croak yourself a harem full of traps or femboys." I said it blankly as I lightly hitted the side of his stomach with my elbow.

Michael: "I wouldn't mind that, actually." He said it blankly making me look at him in confusion. "Don't look at me like that." He said it after I stared at him for a few seconds, then he poked my right cheek that hard that I would need to turn my head, until I was looking back at the stage to see that Nejire was already standing there. Then she flew up in the air and started dancing in the air, but in the same time she was creation a rose with her quirk, which was beautiful. "I think the winner is already is selected." He said it amazed.

Y/N: "But I'm still voting for Itsy." I said it as Nejire landed back on the stage.

Michael: "Yeah, yeah, whatever." He said it carelessly as the whole audience started cheering and clapping for her performance.

Dynamics: "What a magical dance in the air! She pulled me in!" The yelled out as Nejire started walking back to the backstage.

(Time skip. 12:46)

We were now just hanging out and having fun.

Mina: "(Y/N)! Want to go to a haunted maze with us?" She asked me excitedly as I ate some crepes.

Y/N: "I mean, why not?" I said it and she was ready to scream in excitement, but I quickly shut her up by pushing one crepe into her mouth. She quickly ate it as I finally ate mine and we went to the maze. I saw that Mineta, Denki, and Toru was there, too.

Toru: "Oh, (Y/N), you agreed to go with us?" She asked me excitedly and I nodded in answer with a simple 'Mhm' sound. "Cool! Now, let's go!" She said it as she grabbed my hand and dragged me in the maze. Others followed us inside. After a few seconds we saw the first fork on our way, one was leading further and other one was leading right.

Denki: "Where do we go now?" He asked us and I shrugged my shoulders.

Mineta: "How about we go right?" He suggested and we walked that way as we walked we heard some rustling above us.

Mina: "What in the world even was that?" She asked scared as she hugged my left arm.

Y/N: "Probably someone that is going to scare us." I said it blankly as I continued to walk further with others right behind me. After a few steps we saw another fork, one way was leading right and other one was leading left. "Maybe I was wro-" I wanted to say, but the boy with purple hair cutted me off by hanging off the ceiling, while being covered in fake blood. Of course, it scared everyone, while I just stood there with the poker face, but to be honest, it scared me, too.

???: "No reaction from you?" He asked blankly as he looked at me with the poker face.

Y/N: "Well, you scared the shit out of me, but I guess, my brain was to slow to make a reaction of me being scared." I said it blankly as I felt Mina hug my arm tighter.

???: "Well, good luck making your way out of here." He said it blankly and then launched himself back in the ceiling.

Mina: "T-Thanks, Shinso..." She said it still scared by him and we continued our way.

(Time skip. 1-A Dorms – Common area. 19:58.)

I quickly sneak in, so the girls wouldn't notice me, sneak up to the elevator, which to my luck was here and I sneaked in and pressed on the second floor button. The doors closed and the elevator went up. When it arrived I quickly, but quietly ran up to my door and opened it. I walked in closing the door behind me and walked up to my dresser. I opened it and started looking for what I need.

The Touchy Girl [Bnha Fem Harem X Fem Reader]Where stories live. Discover now