Chapter 223

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{{this is a lot longer than a normal chapter, but I didn't want to split it up. I'm going to warn you: this one really hurts.}}

Sirius glances at the large grandfather clock in the library of Grimmauld Place, an unsettling sensation washing over him.

"What's the matter, mate?"

He glances over at James sitting with a witch weekly grasped between his fingers. Sirius nearly calls him on it, tells him he's spent to much time with Gwen. But he knew why James was reading it. The truth was, James had spent barely anytime with the Veela at all. Sirius knew they were missing each other. He wasn't sure how much time they all had left to see each other. As soon as James and Lily found a proper hideaway, they would be gone. Until the risk was eliminated.

But for now, Grimmauld place needed as few visitors at one time as possible to keep them all safe, and Gwen had insisted that Sirius protect it with the Fidelius charm. Albus was his secret keeper, a decision made purely on the fact that Sirius wasn't sure who to trust anymore.

"I'm supposed to be meeting Dorcas, but she's late," Sirius finally sighs, turning his gaze back to the clock. "She's coming to talk to me and Inferi—"

"Ninnie is coming?!"

Sirius rolls his eyes, scoffing, "You're meant to be my best friend, you know? Traitor." James grins at him over his magazine, retorting, "Don't worry, pads. You're still my number one."

"I'll try to not take offense to that, love."

James let's out a rather shrill yelp of surprise, earning a snort from Sirius. He quirks a brow when the Veela fully enters the room from where she'd been eavesdropping in the hall.

"You must have the time wrong, Sirius," Gwen states over her shoulder, grabbing her own magazine from quite a decent pile she'd amassed. He didn't mind. The Witch Weeklys, the acid pop wrappers, the smell of jasmine. It made it feel like home. Though he can't shake the feeling of disturbance, even when Gwen says, "Dorcas is never late. I'm sure you two just miscommunicated."

"I told her noon," Sirius replies, brows notching together when James asks, "Are you sure you didn't say 'after noon'?" He rolls his eyes at his friend, "Yes, James."

Gwen turns to look at him, flipping open her magazine while saying nonchalantly, "It wouldn't be the first time, mon rêve. If Dorcas isn't here yet, then she definitely has the time right. You're wrong."

"I'm not wrong!" Sirius insists, gesturing towards the clock, "We agreed to meet at noon!"

"Dorcas hates being late," Gwen counters plainly, blinking at Sirius. His mouth twists slightly, a sigh escaping him, "I know, but—" the Veela interrupts, repeating firmly, "You must have given her the wrong time."

James pipes up, offering warmly, "I'm sure she and Marlene just got caught up in something. Marlene probably convinced her to have a quick shag—"

"You aren't listening," Gwen's voice is different now, and Sirius and James both freeze. Her voice, so steady if not slightly cold, has a shake to it that he couldn't recall hearing before. Sirius swallows down immediate fear.He and Dorcas agreed to meet at noon. Dorcas told him she would be here at noon. His eyes slide to the clock again, and the three of them watch as the hand slowly slides to one. Gwen's hands ball into fists, crumpling her magazine, her voice small, "Dorcas is never late."

Sirius stands, cautioning slowly, "Inferi." She stares past him, looking at that fucking clock. Her pale eyes flicker and she reaches for her wand before he can move, his voice urgent, "Gwen, don't—"

The 'pop' noise that accompanied her apparation echos in his ears and feels like a knife in his heart, and he launches forward, scrambling to grab his wand and shutting his eyes tight. He hits the ground hard, the smell of smoke causing his eyes to water and he stumbles to his feet. Sirius balks at James already running ahead and he shouts, "James! You fucking idiot!! James!!" He races after his friend, panic restricting his breathing.

One Step Ahead Part II | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now