Chapter 200

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Gwen bites back a smile, laughter erupting from her before she can stop it.

"Sirius!" She scolds, flushing when Mia Potter shoots her a knowing smile. Sirius doesn't remove his hands from her back pockets, just mumbles into her hair, "Come on, Ninnie. These trousers drive me absolutely wild."

"Would you like to borrow them?" She quips nonchalantly, chewing on the inside of her cheek to prevent her smile when Sirius groans loudly and says, "You know that's not what I meant, you bloody Inferi."

"Go away," Gwen simply replies, jumping when his hands squeeze her backside. She scoffs and elbows him in the stomach, smiling triumphantly when he quickly removes his hands from her arse.

"Tease," He grumbles, and Gwen nods, only half listening as she levels the flour she's currently measuring. Her vision is briefly obstructed by dreamy grey eyes, her own eyes fluttering shut when he catches her lips in a kiss. She smiles, keeping her lips clamped shut when he teasingly traces her lower lip with his tongue. Another frustrated groan stirs from him and then he's leaning back, asking haughtily, "Why won't you kiss me?"

"Mum is standing right there," Gwen retorts, "Plus we already shagged—"

"Inferi!" Sirius squawks, clamping a hand over her mouth and turning to face the stare of Mia Potter. Sirius' cheeks are flaming red, his voice high as he insists, "I'm waiting for marriage, Mum. I swear!"

Mia snorts, rolling her eyes and replying, "Yes, I believe I've heard that before. I only wish you wouldn't corrupt Gwen—"

"Excusez moi!" Sirius exclaims, scowling when Gwen laughs with the older witch. "If anyone is being corrupted, it's me," He insists while the girls laugh.


Merlin, she felt better. The raw pain in her throat had faded, her scar a thin pink line that served as a reminder that things could be better. That they would be. She would make sure of it. And Sirius was better too. The ache of trying to diminish and hide his feelings was gone, replaced by playfulness and flirtation that made Gwen's heart race like it had when she'd first really kissed him in an abandoned classroom at school. He brought out the best in her.

He made things better.

Sirius slings an arm around the Veela, glowering at her playfully. He glances up when Regulus and Remus appear just in the doorway, nodding to them briefly before asking his girl, "What are you making anyhow?"


Sirius just sighs at the passiveness of her voice. He slips a hand lower, tugging cheekily on the neckline of her sweater as he peers over her shoulder. His boyish grin is too cute for her to pretend to be mad, so she merely lets him look, her cheeks warming when he whistles low under his breath. Yep, only he could do something so juvenile and make her want to kiss him senseless. His own voice is sarcastically coaxing as he wonders, "Why?"

"Because Lily wants cake," Gwen answers simply, shrugging out of his grip to try and reach for the sugar in the cabinet above. Sirius lets her struggle for a moment before reaching over her head and grabbing it for her. Gwen shoots him a flat look, muttering a half hearted 'thank you' while she begins to carefully measure.

Sirius stares at her, smirking when he notices her growing flustered. Gwen chews on the inside of her cheek, avoiding looking at him. He was sinfully handsome. She had half a mind to write to Witch Weekly and petition for him to win the most charming smile award. He'd be furious, another tempting reason to do it.

Her hands shake slightly when he presses into her side, asking cheekily, "And what do I have to do to get you to bake me a cake, Ninnie?"

Gwen doesn't look up, trying to stay focused on her task instead of jumping her boyfriend as she replies nonchalantly, "Get pregnant."

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