Chapter 214

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Gwen blinks at the angry face of Alice Longbottom, by typical contrast looking infuriatingly bored.

Sirius springs into action despite his fiancé's calm expression, wrapping his arm up around her torso and demanding, "Gwen!"

Frank reaches for Alice's arm, flinching back when she shouts, "Don't, Frank!"

Sirius whips his head up to Madeye Moody and asks exasperatedly, "Aren't you going to fucking say something?"

The older auror crosses his arms in front of his chest, silent for a few long seconds before saying gruffly, "No."

"Fuck you, Alastor," Alice seethes, her cheeks wet with a new round of tears. Sirius throws his hands up into the air, frustratingly confused by what is happening. He nearly cheers in relief when Albus Dumbledore walks into the room covered in dust and stops short at the sight before him. His brows raise in surprise and he looks at Sirius first, asking curiously, "What have I missed?"

Sirius surmises that the wizard had been busy during the attacks. He has a newly healed cut across his brow that at least tells him he wasn't doing nothing. Good. He frowns at the old headmaster and replies bluntly, "Gwen has come to a conclusion and we're all a bit behind."

"Don't worry, Albus," Gwen says calmly, not looking away from the shaking auror before her.  She smiles, and Alice weeps some more. Sirius feels a prickle of unease, but the look of guilt on Frank Longbottom's face keeps him from intervening any more. "I told you I had a feeling."

"Ah," the wizard says, taking a seat at the table. Sirius shoots him an incredulous look but knows better than to ask. The veela and the headmaster were back on speaking terms, and for some reason, Sirius has the strongest feeling that is the reason she is okay tonight.

"Alice," Gwen's voice hasn't softened in the slightest. It holds an edge that Sirius pities Alice for. He'd been on the receiving end of that tone. Alice clenches her eyes shut, her outstretched hand shaking and causing her wand to wobble. "Gwen," She pleads, and when her eyes open, Sirius sees the same desperation and guilt that he had spotted in Frank. He stiffens slightly when the veela lowers her wand, tucking it into the band of her trousers. Alice's shoulder's slump and then she too is tucking away her wand.

She doesn't know what Sirius and Dumbledore do. Or perhaps the auror has just forgotten.

Gwen raises her hand silently, and Sirius stares when something shimmers across Alice's midsection. The pixie haired witch gasps at the wandless magic, and the room watches in collective shock when the shimmer disappears, revealing a rather generous bump underneath her sweater. A glamour charm.

Clever veela.

"Tell me, Alice," Gwen begins, and Sirius winces. Merlin, she wasn't pleased. He glances at the chair next to Dumbledore and contemplates taking a seat. James would be furious over missing this show. "Why should I trust you?"

"Gwen, please," This time it's Frank, stepping forward to grab his wife's shoulder. He looks horrible, pale and weary. The veela doesn't stop. She digs in.

"It's a simple question. Why should I trust you?"

Alice shakes her head, whispering, "I was never going to tell anyone about the baby, Gwen. But its not--"

"It's not what I think?" Gwen finishes for her, cocking her head to the side. Her hair is dulled by ash and smoke, but her eyes aren't. Bright, clear, so pale that once again Sirius pities the Longbottoms.

"Explain this then. Three attacks were meant to happen tonight, and yet only one did. By the grace of Merlin, you had a duty at the ministry that couldn't wait, and Frank was assigned to the second village after you and Madeye looked at the maps. I do like riddles, Alice. But this one seems pathetically easy."

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