chapter 36

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"Little baby.. smile, laugh and love. Be confident and always fight back"

"But.. it's hard mommy, it's so hard.. they keep hurting me, Appa hurts me and everyone I seem to meet hurts me.. why?"

"That's a question even I have the answer to sweety"

"Then who knows! Please just come back!"

"Baby I wish I could but.. I don't have that kind of power, only the person who brought me here can do that.."

"Then tell him to bring you back "

"No baby that's not how it.. okay listen sweety, all your pain is gonna leave soon okay just keep fighting and go to him.."

"W-what?  Why do you want me to go to him? He'll kill me! "

"No no he won't, he'll protect you"

"He won't! He will kill me because he is a psychopath who kills people for sport, I hate him! "

"Ji stop that nonsense! You don't know... Just go to him.."

"No! You don't know what your talking about! He'll kill me! Mom please just.. mom? Mom where are you going? Come back!"

"I'm sorry Jisung, I have to go now, I've talked with you for too long... I'll see you someday baby.."

As she fades away...

"No! No you haven't please come back! Mom I need you please! Come back! Mom! Mom! Mom! "

"Jisung... Jisung.. hey wake up" a voice wakes Jisung from his dream, his weird but greatful dream that he got to see her face one more time, that was the only time he has seen his mother's face after she died and he couldn't go back to go get her pictures because his phone was left back in South Korea

"what?" He opens his glossy eyes and wipes his cheeks that had dry tears that were making his cheeks uncomfortably dry, he tries to see who the person just woke him up is, his eyesight fixes on her more and it's, Hyunjin..

He instantly closed his eyes and turned his body the other way and facing the glass door, he was sleeping by the glass door on the floor crying his eyes out after what happened with Wonho and how Taeyong just gave him away like that

"Hey look at me!" She silently yells at him, jisung just rolls his eyes "just leave me alone okay, if your not here to kill me then just leave me alone" as savage as possible as he coils his legs up inside the blacket and looks at the sharp sun rays attacking his pupils forcing his eyes shut

"Ugh could you stop whining and get up!" She says rather harshly making Jisungs heart break more, he turns his body slowly to her and looks her right in the eyes and asks a question that will bring back so much pain from Hyunjin

"how did you get here?"

She looks at him blankly "w-what?.. that's non of your business so-"

"Oh it isn't? It isn't!" Jisung gets up mad "yet you bringing me here acting like you will protect me and look back at my past without my permission is your business! You fucking go to hell! I know that I don't deserve to be here but I can see you fit in perfectly!" Jisung spits in her face making her go quiet, the only person who can do that was Taeyong but..

Jisung clicks his tongue and turns the other way going back to original spot to let his heart break more until "I understand.." Jisung stops for a second but is still mad, he hears Hyunjin walk closer

"Jisung I understand what it's like to lose your parents and get manipulated by some one like Taeyong who promised to protect you and do everything your parents could'nt do for you.." for the first time in forever to Jisung, knowing Hyunjin she is being cencire and there's just as much hurt in her voice than there was in his, he turned to look at her who had her head down, she looked like she was going to cry

Jisung immediately felt bad so he walked closer to the younger female "Taeyong lied to me.. he told me that he liked me and the great job I did at his club but he only wanted to make me a stripper and sell my body for him and not get a single dime, Taeyong..he would beat me up with a ox s-strap if I w-wasn't good enough for his custom-" she couldn't complete because she started crying and jisung just pulled her into a hug which she did not push back and let Jisung comfort nothing, they are both broken and honestly nothing can fix what they have been through

"T-taeyong is a bad person, I h-hate him so much b-because lied to me and used me! I trusted him so much and he used me! He took me away from a family that was willing to take care of me and made me into this! Jisung look at this!" She takes out her gun showing jisung who just looked at it and back at her sobbing face "I don't want this! I don't know why I have it and why I know how to use it!" She throws it outside the window hitting whoever was outside

"I hate him Jisung! I hate him because he is abusive and an asshole! He is nothing but a cheating and manipulative jerk! I'm sorry for what he did to you! I'm sorry for my stupid brother who raped you.. I'm  I'm sorry for everything!" She hugs Jisung again and jisung then realises that he is also crying after hearing what Taeyong did to Hyunjin

His heart shattered completely when she told him that "I'm also sorry.. for what happened to you.. I just wish..that there was a way to finally be free from all this.. and start our lives all over again.. you away from Taeyong and me far far far away from Minho.." she says as his face was buried in the crook of her neck, same with her

"I know how.. but it's really risky " she said in hushed tone "our lives are in risk already, what's one more?" Jisung whispers as he pulls her closer she smiles then "fine, I'll get us out of here.." "and I'll do my part.."

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