chapter 10

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minho took one of Hyuna's cars and also booked himself a plane ticket to South Korea, Seoul.

When he arrived to Seoul, he didn't have any luggage but just a back pack which had a few clothes which he needed and some money, just to get through security. When he left the air port he got into a cab "Take me to this location" Minho shows the place where he wants to go on his new phone he bought. The driver nodded and drove Minho to his next destination.

⚔️ 10 minutes later ⚔️

minho gets to his location, then pays the guy who drove him there "Have a nice day" the male nicely says, Minho doesn't even look back or smiles, he just nods then walks forward towards the Grave yard Infront of him. His expression quickly darkened as he started walking around the dark and misty graveyard searching for his mothers but before he finds it he goes to the shed that was near by, he enters and searches for some thing long,heavy and can break stuff and he found it. It was a medal rod

He takes it and goes on looking for his mother's grave and it took an entire hour to find it and when he did he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her tombstone that is still intact and had fresh flowers on it "huh? Why fresh? Fuck that" Minho picks them up and throws them somewhere onto someone's grave who deserves them.

He crouches down and also drops the medal rod, he laughs then "Hey mom, remember me Minho? Your son?" He casually greets then clicks his tongue "of course you don't know me, you hate me, you left me with your bitch of a sister after you killed yourself because of your reckless sex life and you had the audacity to blame your own child for your own death? What a crazy whore you are" Minho sits down with his back facing the tombstone

"Do you know what that woman did to me? Do you know how she treated me? What things she made me do to her! What the teacher and kids did to me in school!? What I went through in an ASYLUM!! Why airnt you answering me!!!" Minho gets up mad and grabs the rod and hits the tombstone with so much strength "Answer me!! I'm speaking with you! Why airnt you saying anything!!? Talk!?!" He keeps hitting the stone with the rod completely destroying it until he stopped and kneeled down with tears already streaming down and he was crying, he hasn't cried nor shed a tear in 18 years until now

"And you had the audacity to.. hide me from my father?! YOU FUCKING BURN IN HELL!!!! I HATE YOU!! I JUST WISH I CAN BRING YOU BACK AND KILL YOU ALL OVER AGAIN!! "minho hits it one more time and so when he was done and exuasted he fell back and started laughing while crying, also something he hasn't done in a while "I hate you so much, I hate you and you know what I'm actually glad that your dead but sad at the same time because I want to kill you but uhm I can't and that's such a huge bummer but ah well I have to look for my baby and my father and kill them too okay so yeah enjoy your life in hell" Minho gets up wipes his tears then struck the medal rod in so deep into his mother's grave that only a little bit of the rid can be seen

"Goddammit! Wish I could do that your face instead! Just when you really want the dead to come back to life it doesn't happen!"

He walks off laughing and shaking his head as he didn't realise that there was a man recording him from afar "this guy is crazy! Breaking a tombstone like this, I'm totally posting this"

Or did he?

The minute the male saved the video he heard a "hello~spying I see" his head was snapped to an uncommon angle killing him, Minho crouches down and took the phone and chuckled when looking back at the dead male, he got up still chuckling then bent the phone and threw it in a pond on his way out "time to go look for my baby but.. I gotta have some fun first"


jisung was now rushing to the location Taeyong gave him earlier on the day and when he got there he was surprised to find an alley that had alot of drunk people or people who want to get drunk and they were all circled around a club.

Jisung confused starts walking towards the club not knowing if he is at the right location or not.he takes out his phone and searches the location once again on his GPS navigation and it said he was in the right place "huh? If I'm in the right place where is this place I'm supposed to work in??" He quietly asks himself as he starts looking around but was almost startled to death when he heard some one call his name

"Jisung!" He turns to the voice and him so thank ful that it was Taeyong and not you know who he smiles "Taeyong! Thank god it's you I was beginning to look lost for a second" he walks closer to the older male "oh no don't worry, did you think that I was gonna send you to a place you dont know and not wait for you, how rude of me" Taeyong with a warm smile which jisung endured

"Well thanks and thank you again for giving me this job but where if I may ask is the job?" Jisung asks still a little confused, Taeyong just chuckled then points his hand to the club behind him "why is its right here my dear jisung" jisung looks at the sign of the club and his eyes widened, he has never ever thought of working in a club before but he won't argue with a job opportunity, if he needs a job he needs a job so he'll survive so he nods then smiles

Taeyong claps his hands then reaches out one of them for jisung to get ahold of, jisung takes it and Taeyong leads them both into the colourful and loud club that had so many people inside dancing and drinking, he couldn't believe his eyes

This place was more packed than black Friday rush in November, he was partly scared because he still wasn't sure which job Taeyong would give him. What he knows is that he will not work as a stripper no thank you, he won't work as the janitor and he definitely won't work as a cook "hell would freeze over"

Taeyong leads him to a booth that had less noise "take a seat" Taeyong tells jisung and he immediately does that and watched Taeyong go to a drawer of a desk and take out a file that had papers inside "so this is your club? You own it?" Jisung asks as. Taeyong flips through his papers

"Yeah, she's a beaut isn't she?" Taeyong walks back to jisung and places papers Infront of jisung and a pen "so Jisung I'm gonna need you to sign these papers, you can start reading them if you want to so you don't see that I'm trying to trick you into some thing okay so when your done reading, you are given ten minutes okay, one your done signing every single one you can immediately start serving drinks, you cool with that?" Taeyong looks to Jisungs response, jisung nods then takes the pen and paper then starts reading fast because ten minutes is not that long to cover seven pages

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