chapter 18

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"I'm so glad that Dad is coming back tomorrow!" Seungmin dropping on the sofa hugging himself with a giddy smile "me too!" Jennie drops opposite of him

"I miss his cooking so much!" Seungmin laughs after saying that "shut up! My food is amazing! But either than that I'm just glad that him and Minho finally get to meet" Jennie sits back up so does Seungmin "yeah he is gonna be so happy to see him after two decades of not knowing his first child, would be the best reunion really"

"But.. if Minho wants to have that reunion either than kill him thinking that he left him with his mother" Jennie for the first time speaking about Minho with some doubt about him but she knows that he'll come around "Oh and I have to go and get Haechan today from Aunty" she diverts the conversation

"Yeah but remember your license was terminated because you broke.. about.. 52 road regulations? Bitch what the fuck do you do on that road!?" Seungmin questions but that just made Jennie just laughs "Drift, I drift but I got caught meaning I fucked up so yeah cops are the bitches" She goes to the fridge to get some juice

"And I can't drive because I honestly don't know how and I don't have any liscense so that leave's..."
They look at each other then

"Minho.." they say in unison as he just entered the room but stopped when he felt eyes on him, he turns to look at them "what? Something on my face?" He says in awe and Jennie just smiles a bit before speaking "no.. just, we-"

"Excuse you? There's no we here, it you.. carry on" Seungmin interupts, Jennie just rolls her eyes then carries on "I actually have to go and pick up Haechan at our Aunts house but I don't have a car and liscense neither does seungmin because he is only twenty so I wondered.. if you-"

"No problem, I'll get him, where are your cars?" Jennie points to the key hanger that had about fifteen keys on it and Minho's eyebrow rose at the exquisite taste of cars.

He searched for the one he wants, then boom landed on BMW M5 "Let's go" he takes the key then walks off to the garage and Jennie follows after her older brother and leaves seungmin to silently sqweel now that he has the house all to himself but no, he's not


Minho and Jennie get to Haechans Aunts house "He's in there?" Minho says as he observes the house from the other side of the street and Jennie nods "I'll go and get oh there he is! I'll be right back" Jennie gets out of the car then walks across the street but Minho noticed that there was a car that was driving too fast for the road that they were on and it was heading right for Jennie

"Shit" Minho gets out of the car then runs for Jennie and the minute she turned and saw the car,she froze and waited for impact but she soon felt arms around her and then, impact

It was minho, and he saved her from the impact of that car. They rolled ontop of the car until they dropped at the rear end. All they were hearing was ringing and everything was blurred but Jennie woke right up when she heard gunshots

She looked for Haechan and him and his aunt were on the ground "No!" She gets up weak but still runs for them and when she gets there with tears streaming down her cheeks and hands shaking with her heart beating so violently she dropped to her knees when she found Haechans body in a blood pool "No! Haechan p-please no! Please come back! Haechan please! No no no!" She starts crying really loudly while grasping her dead brothers body in her arms

"H-haechan s-sweety please come back.. p-please come back, baby p-please come back to me.. HAECHAN!!!" she starts screaming again and dropped her head on Haechans forehead crying onto his no longer smiling face, a sunshine and a bundle of joy gone.

Minho finally got up but with his body hurting a bit but when he looked up and saw Jennie crying on Haechan, he knew already that he was dead and he wanted to not care but some thing inside him just forced him to, he was really Haechans brother and his death right now just brought something out of him, something way stronger and dangerous.

"Haechan?" Minho says as he remembers how he made Haechan cry before and how scared he was of him. He couldn't figure out what was controlling him now and so he did something he hasn't done in 18 years, he cried

He let that tear stream down his face when he saw Haechans lifeless body with multiple bullets in his body and him sleeping in his own blood pool. His heart for the first time after 18 years broke. The anger in him rose so much to the point he backed away from them then scram, he screamed really loudly while grasping his hair really hard


⚔️ Meanwhile ⚔️

Seungmin was sitting on the sofa in the living room by himself just watching some TV and thinking about Haechan and how much fun they will have together again but little did he know..

Minutes later the door bursts open and seungmin gets right up "Haechan!" He runs for the door excited but completely froze when he saw Minho carrying Haechans red body and he tried so hard not to think of the worst but he just couldn't "DongHyuck!!" He runs to them but Jennie pulls him back "Min stop! Get back Please!" Jennie tries not to cry as Minho walks for the basement

"Jennie let me go! Why is Haechan covered in red and in his arms!! D-did he k-kill him?" Seungmin couldn't keep them in anymore so he started crying in his sister's arms "n-no.. no he didn't.. min I'm sorry but h-hes gone, Hyuck is gone" Jennie cries along with her younger brother

Seungmin couldn't take the pain that was in his chest so he dropped to the floor and cried his heart out "w-why! W-who would do this!! H-hes just a kid!!" Seungmin can't stop crying and grabbing his hair, Jennie knelt down to hug him "I'm s-sorry min.. I'm so sorry but he's gone.. c-channie is gone.."

Seungmin hugged her back and cried even more onto her chest "w-what will we t-tell dad?" He asks Jennie sobbing on her chest wetting her top and Jennie did not think of what he just asked "what am I going to tell him?"

"I.. I.. I don't know Min.. but.. but Minho will find whoever did this and honestly I feel sorry for them" she starts rocking seungmin trying to calm his tears and his brain from a really annoying headache

"He'll find them..I know he loves Hyuck, he will show no mercy to whoever did this.. please Minho, please avenge our baby

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