chapter 9

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after all of that, Minho finally calmed down then hummed his favourite melody as he paced around Hyuna's office looking for any clues regarding his mother and his father.

The only reason he wants to know where his mother is, is to just scream at her grave and completely tear it down and erasing her from human kind and the only reason he want to know his father is to kill him, for leaving him because he didn't want to take care of him. He hates everyone, anyone who talks to him he'll kill anyone who even looks at him the wrong way he'll kill

He finally stops at some drawer then opens it and finds a file right on top, he takes it then opens it, his eyes widening when he saw his picture "oh wowwee lookie! It's me!!" Like a child as he sees his picture on the file

Minho calms himself down then starts reading outloud "oh wow!! Death certificate of Jessi? Who the fuck is Jessi?? Oh oh oh she's my mother!" Minho laughs then face palms himself when he finally realised,he carried on reading "oh okay her burial sight is in Seoul! Oh wow looks like I'm going to Seoul!" He closes the file but dropped some thing, it was a letter, he picks it up and reads

Dear Jessi~

Jessi, baby I heard that you are pregnant. Is this true? If it is then please please bring my baby to me because I know you won't want to take care of him. Please bring him to me if he is real and I heard it's a boy, Jessi give me my son please, I want my son

Love, Seonyeom~

Minhos heart suddenly felt different when he read that "who is this?who the fuck is this!!! Seonyeom!? Who is this!!!! Who am I??" Minho all of a sudden questions himself

It was confusing him now so he started hitting his head the tearing up and file "Get! The! Fuck! Out! Of! My head! You bastards!! I will not listen to you!!! You are dead okay so shut the fuck up!!! I HATE ALL OF YOU!!! ALL OF YOU MUST DIE!!!"

minho screams at the top of his lungs until a tear fell down his cheeks, he dropped to the ground then whispered "Dad?"


"Sir I didn't ask for this!" With a huge sigh and eye roll, jisung turns to the female that just complained at him "what?" He lazily asks "this is not what I ordered is what! We're is your head you stupid waiter!" That made jisung twist his then

"Listen, my head is where you asked me to get you what you asked me to get you so if you are gonna do nothing more than complain then I suggest you get the fuck out because there's nothing more we hate then stupid annoying complaining customers okay now it's either you eat and let me go back to work or you leave and suck a dick or something okay yeah, enjoy your meal" jisung with a blank lazy face not caring at all

"Yah! Is this how you treat your customers! You are so rude! Where is your boss!" The woman shouts at jisung drawing so much attention which made jisung cringe from anger and turn around and head straight to her then slammed his hand on the table

"You know what is rude! You thinking that just because your a customer you can talk to us anyhow! Were the ones who work our asses off trying to fill your stomachs with good food yet when we make one mistake you make us into criminals! Shame on you, you must have no pride because what you just said is doing is not making yourself look better!" Jisung yells at her and she is in awe, she is shocked at those words and was even more shocked when people around him started clapping, he didn't even care of that "Jisung!? What the hell is this! What are you doing!?"

"Ay shut up I quit! I'm not gonna stand here and be treated like trash when I work for so many hours a day when the only thing this woman does is eat, sleep and shit, I QUIT!!" jisung takes off all his things that belonged to the restaurant and threw it in the males face then went to the back to get his bag and leave very frustrated

"Great! Now I need to find another job!" Jisung scoulds himself as he walks down the road but as he was still stressed about what happened some one stopped him and him so pissed "what the fuck are you doing!?" He yells at the males face but the male just puts his hands up in the air

"Hey I'm sorry if I made you mad, I just want to talk to you" the pink haired male scratched the back of his head and jisung seeing what he did immediately apologises "okay sorry I'm so sorry that I said that but I'm really not in the mood to talk to anyone right now so maybe next time okay" jisung attempts to walk again but the male stopped him again and jisung was starting to get pissed again "dude! What the fuck is up with you! Can't you hear! I said I'm not in the mood to speak to anyone!" Jisung yells again

"Yeah yeah I heard you! I just wanted to talk about giving you a job geez!" Jisung immediately stiffens hearing that word "a job?" He asks a bit calmer now "yeah a job because I saw what happened back there so I felt bad and wanted to give you a job at my place" the pink haired male smiles at jisung

Jisung also smiling back at him liking his smile and how thoughtful he was "oh well then uhm I'm sorry and thanks,I'll honestly take it" the pink haired male grins widely at that "great! I'll see you there tonight! This is my card okay, follow this address and I'll see you there...?" As if asking for his name

"Han jisung" the pink haired male smirked at the name loving it then introduced himself "cute name oh and I'm Lee Taeyong, so I'll see you tonight at this location right?"

Jisung is unsure but a job is a job, he nods with a smile "great! That's just great! Okay I'll see you then jisung, bye!" The male walks off and Jisung just sighs and smiles in relief "wow what a twist! I lose a job and gain another so quickly! Thank you mom for still looking out for me..

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