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The following morning, I have to drive my own car because Khosi won't be able to pick me up later, it's a Friday and he has a night out planned with his friends so he's just going to sleep at his place and hopefully I'll be able to see him during the weekend. I get through my normal routine of changing from my regular clothes to my work uniform then I head to the kitchen where I find Rea drinking one of those herbal life shakes

"You... a shake for breakfast? " I raise my brow while trying not to laugh because I know just how much she enjoys greasy food; she can literally have left over heavy meals for breakfast so this comes as a surprise

"New years' resolutions, " she speaks, hardly removing the bottle from her mouth.

"Ahh yes, the popular January façade, but the truth is you ate all your groceries money and remembered that you still had those shakes stashed from last year when you attempted to work on your summer body, didn't you?" I tease her with the truth and she scowls at me

" No need to be so brutal so early in the morning and maybe you're right about one of the things you just said"

"Which one?" I ask her and she just shrugs and walks away

The kitchen starts getting packed with the staff and we all start with our daily duties, I make sure the plates and other utensils are clean, the food is being prepared as it should and I also help with the making of breakfast. I can't help but wonder if Marco will come down for breakfast or he will order in but I quickly scold myself for even thinking about him, Khosi is the only man I should be thinking about right now

The orders start coming through which alerts me that people have started walking in the restaurant and Theo walks around in his usual mood, I can see why Rea refers to him as Cruella's son because he has the attitude for it, he just needs black and white hair to perfectly fit in the role she has created for him

While we are still making breakfast and sending out plates of orders, my other friend, Kagisho or rather Kaygee as he prefers to be called comes to stand next to me and smiles

"What is it? What have you done now?" I ask knowing he likes to rile up Theo, I don't know if he just doesn't care about losing his job or he knows he is too good at his job so Theo will actually think twice before firing him

"What makes you think Ive done something?"

"Because that's always the case" I shrug while setting up the plates that need to be used

"Not this time, I'm actually here to deliver something" he stalls, he always does this

"Kaygee, do I really have to beg you?"

He takes out a small paper with three numbers '784' written on it and gives it to me with a sneaky smile

"Whats this now?" I don't know why I'm suddenly whispering

"A customer asked me to give this to you, tell me how you know that hunk" he demands after placing the small paper on my palm

"How am I supposed to know? You're the one who spoke to him, "

"So you have no idea who it is?" he presses on.

"No, we feed a lot of people in this restaurant. It could be anyone, " it's not anyone, it's him.

"I don't remember seeing a hot, sexy voiced Italian man in here and you know how observant I am, " he drools and I swear I see him blush making me smile as I continue to play dumb, everyone here knows Khosi, I need to be careful of what I say

"Italian? I don't know who you're talking about and quite frankly I don't have any desire to know, " I squash the paper and toss it in the bin while he looks at me, of course it's only after I memorise the three numbers but Kaygee doesn't need to know that

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