I. A New Start

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[A/N] - Hello reader! Welcome to my very first ever X men story. I had been writing this for a while now and I finally felt confident enough to publish it. If you are familiar with me, then you know I have many stories open which I try to update whenever I am free :). So, I promise I will try not to take too long with this story either.

The warning is M, just to be safe for any small moments between my OC and Erik; as long for any other detail about fight or death that I might include (because it is an X men film, after all). I hope you guys enjoy it and do not hesitate to vote on the chapters, let alone comment your thoughts and ideas :D


With the war waged between the countries, dozens got injured each passing day. Many would have died if it weren't for the doctors that tried to save them.

Among the many men, was a woman in her late 20s. With a talent for healing, she sacrificed her years and her sanity to protect those, who fought on the front lines.

Many called her a madman, while others called her a saint. She stood next to the bed of injured soldiers, doing her best to help them. Many times, she could not, and all she could offer was to deliver their last words to their loved ones.

Many people that fought there were young, younger than her. They had no choice, choosing to fight for the money the government promised them, which would help their families in need. Others were simply caught during their compulsory training and drafted for the front lines.

The woman hated war and yet, she did not run from it or her duties. She knew there were casualties from both sides, and while each side fought for their freedom...many times she could not help but wonder if that was true. However, she could not leave behind those men and women, who put their trust in her.

Unlike them, she had no one back home. Raised as an orphan, she kicked herself and managed to join the medical school by the time the orphanage kicked her out. She had planned to focus on civilians alone, but, when a veteran doctor gave a seminar looking for future war doctors...she could not help but sign in.

There were many doctors back in the cities, but few chose to take the risk and go help the soldiers. They had a very good reason to do so, and the woman was reminded of that each time she found the picture of a child or a family in the pocket of a dead soldier.

Many told her she would go to heaven for her good deeds and rest among the Angels, but none told her she would have the chance to be reborn into a new world.


The time of Judgement had arrived, when she was awoken in the middle of the night by the bomb alarm. She had sprung into action, helping wounded soldiers and patients to be loaded in the trucks to escape before it was too late.

The other doctors and nurses had left first but she chose to stay. To stay until everyone was safe in the truck. That was the moment when she was truly judged. For when she had managed to help those she wanted, a bomb fell on top of the medical centre.

The explosion took her along, throwing her far away while shrapnels got stuck in her body. Her ears rang, her head started to spin and it was fast when the need for sleep came. When she closed her eyes, she accepted death with open arms but it had other plans for her.


She woke up shouting, hazel eyes wide in terror. Her body was covered in sweat and her short brown hair was sticking to her face. Panting, she felt someone hold her hand. She turned to that someone, seeing a boy no older than 5.

My Second Chance (Erik Lensherr x OC)Where stories live. Discover now