Part 10

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Back to present,

Aadhavan left to the hospital to meet Vyom, the nurse led him to Vyom's cabin. Aadhavan sat there , took out  his mobile and again a message popped.

Message: Black cupboard, 1st drawer there's something for you. Take it and come to the location.

Aadhavan felt weird but he had to do it for her, he took the only file in the drawer which had his reports. He was about to go out when he saw Vyom coming , he immediately threw the file out of the cabin window and sat in place.

Vyom: Hey Aadhav, Ohh my God what happened? I asked you to take care right? 

He kept on blabbering like a caring mom.

Aadhavan: Okay boss this won't repeat, now please do something to these wounds....will you?

After everything done Aadhavan left the place, he still felt Vyom's gaze on him so he decided not to get into action now. He just got into his car and drove away and a sigh of relief left Vyom, he looked into his phone to check the camera it's been an hour since it had stopped working. He called up the technician and was busy bashing him for the inconvenience when Aadhavan picked up the file and left to the location.

Aadhavan's P.O.V

It was a railway station, the person had been constantly texting me from agency numbers....why the hell should he do this....coward I can say. I had to stay all calm only for her, he asked me to take the call in a telephone booth. And the next part of the info I heard left me awestruck, I felt something piercing my heart and tearing up my soul. I left the receiver and fell on my knee....I don't know what happened after that.


Back to Vyom and Aaghanya,

After the concert, Vyom searched for Aaghanya but she had left the place already. He collected her details from the concert organisers, he saw her name Aaghanya Aadhavan Shetty. He lost the enthusiaism he had a while ago, his friends brought him out of trance. They had some snacks at the place and all other friends left except Vyom and his close friend Rishi [ok imagine whomever you want coz I don't have anyone in mind right now].

Rishi: Vyom you seem lost, what happened? Any problem?

Vyom: Hmm nothing Rishi, it's late let's leave.

Rishi: Hey, Vyom Bedi telling it's late, can't believe this. You're surely not fine, are you? Now tell me what happened?

Vyom: Ha am not fine, let's leave . Nothing seems good here.

Both of them came to their flat, Vyom threw his guitar on the couch and left to fresh up. Rishi was confused, he kept Vyom's things in place and freshed up. He sat on the couch and started thinking what might have happened when Vyom came, still lost and sat on the couch.

Rishi: Vyom it's too much, tell me what happened?

Vyom: Aaghanya.....I love her but..

Rishi: Aaghanya....your concert crush right? Good to know you love her but what's bothering you boss?

Vyom: She's not just Aaghanya , she is Aaghanya Aadhavan Shetty.

Rishi sat with a surprised expression and then started laughing like hell, he was rolling on the mat below.

Rishi: Bhai, didn't you get any other girl on Earth? Arey yaar ladki ki jagah aunty se pyaar hua tujhe 🤣🤣🤣 the way congrats for your failed love. [ Dear readers don't kill me for this, actually we tease married couple by calling them uncle and aunty😅😅. No offense please it's just for fun. ]

Vyom: Shut up Rishi, what so funny? I love her and I will surely make her mine.

Rishi: Hey Vyom, stop kidding man. You are behaving like a kid , grow up bhai.

Vyom: Am serious Rishi, I want her at any cost. Vyom has become mad for her and she's only mine.

Rishi: This obsession isn't good Vyom, you will get hurt in the end or you'll end up hurting others. Leave it and move on.

Vyom: I don't need your help in this, I will surely not leave her.

Rishi: Do whatever you want, good night.

Vyom followed Aaghanya for few days and befriended her. They became very good friends, inseperable friends to be precise. Aaghanya used to share almost everything that happened in her life, the way  her in laws didn't accept her as she was her mother in law's choice and how Aadhavan supported her always. She felt she got someone with whom she could open up ....though Aadhavan was the best partner she couldn't tell about her in laws . They used to support each other, whenever Vyom had work stress Aaaghanya used to make him feel relaxed. She always used to tell him about how kind-hearted Aadhavan was. Vyom used to feel jealous of him , so he decided to ruin him and make Aaghanya his forever.

One fine day, he thought of confessing his love to Aaghanya and asked her to meet him. Ignoring Rishi's caution, Vyom went to the place. Aaghanya being punctual had already reached the place, she had called Aadhavan too but he told he was busy. Vyom arrived.

Aaghanya: Hey Vyom, actually I have to tell you something special. Since you have planned this meet, it's your turn first.

Vyom knelt down infront of her and took out a ring from his pocket. He shifted his gaze towards the ground as he couldn't face her.

Vyom: I don't know if this is right or wrong , I have loved you since the moment I saw you. My only regret is not telling you soon enough. I can't deny anymore, I've fallen madly for you. Aaghanya, would you accept my love and be mine forever.

He looked up to see her reaction, she was in tears not emotional but rage filled. She was about to slap him when a hand stopped her, it was Aadhavan.

Aadhavan: What are you doing Aaghanya? Is this the way you reply to someone's emotions? It is quite common to develop such emotions, just make him understand patiently. You can't win anything with rage, calm down.

Vyom was just awestruck, not because of Aaghanya's reaction . He was just looking at Aadhavan, he wondered how can two people look so similar. Were they lost brothers? No not at all, but how is this possible?

Aadhavan: Hey Vyom this is Aadhavan, that's fine Vyom I wouldn't mind all this. 

Vyom's P.O.V

What kind of a man is he? Bro I have confessed my love to your wife not your neighbour.....atleast react, kick me or smack me on my face but this man is cool as if this is a school day and we are quarelling for the best costume.

Aaghanya: Look Vyom, I think we need to end this. I just thought you would be a good friend but you proved me wrong .

Vyom: But Aaghanya you aren't happy with his taunting family...

Aaghanya: There's no point discussing that, my life is connected with them and please don't spoil my peace.....I don't want my child to live my life, he/ she deserves a family so please and goodbye.

I could see her retreating figure....infact them going together, my eyes had turned blurry with tears . 

I went back to my room, Rishi knew what would happen. He pointed to the refrigerator and we went to the same hills again. It was twilight and then to night....I had finished 2 full cases of tins.

End of P.O.V

Vyom: My love is gone , my love is gone.....Rishiiiiii it's gone , she's love is gone.

Rishi: Enough should be gone with today. Come let's go home.

Vyom: Rishi my friend, my soulmate....will you marry me? 😚

Rishi: What the ****.....Vyom you're drunk, now shut your everything and let's leave.

Vyom: You don't love me too....Goddd take me, I don't want to live in this world with no love. 

Rishi felt like banging his head, he knew Vyom was drunk but could someone be this mad? He somehow took Vyom back to home and as expected Vyom puked out everything. Rishi helped him to bed.

Vyom: Rishi...I want her, the obsession of Vyom will never let her go away....I'll not stop...I'll..

He dozed off.

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