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3 years later,

A person lying on a hospital bed, supported by machines. Seems like he/ she is in coma, suddenly the patient's finger starts moving a bit and he/ she starts breathing heavily, a tray beside him falls down and a nurse who sees this immediately calls the doctor. The doctor handles the situation, the patient calms down and is revealed to be Aadhavan.

Doctor comes out and tells the nurse to take care of Aadhavan as he may behave like this again. He goes to the receptionist and asks her to call the specialist who has been treating Aadhavan since an year to arrive immediately. The specialist arrives and sees Aadhavan in the same condition again, he treats Aadhavan and slowly he opens his eyes and he is shocked to see the  specialist. His heartbeat rises and breathing becomes uneven, nurse immediately injects sedatives, Aadhavan falls asleep.

Specialist: Nurse take care of him, call me once he gains conciousness.

Nurse : Okay doctor.

He turns to go and his face is revealed to be.....guess all of you


Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Dr. Vyom Bedi, Neurologist[ both are writer's obsession 😅😅]. He's Aadhavan's doctor.

Few hours later,

Aadhavan regains conciousness, he looks around him.

Aadhavan's P.O.V

I found myself in a hospital like place, yes it's a hospital but what am I doing here. Before thinking anything else I asked the nurse for water, she looked at me surprised and ran away from my ward. What the hell, am I an alien [Le me: No you're not but am an alien 😉 right Yamu?], I just asked for water and she ran away as if she saw a ghost.  I heard some footsteps, maybe she brought someone who can give me water, seriously these people 😣😣.

End of P.O.V

Vyom: Hello😃.... Mr. Aadhavan Shetty right?

Aadhavan: Yes, but here...what's going on?

Vyom: Don't panic, am your doctor. Have some water, you'll feel better. 

Aadhavan drank some water and closed his eyes for sometime to relax.

Vyom: By the way am Dr.Vyom Bedi, Neurologist.

Aadhavan: Nice to meet you, but why am I here with you?

Vyom: You had met with an accident an year ago and since then you were in coma. Your grandparents....maybe,  visit you  everyday . They're waiting outside, with your permission..

Aadhavan: Yeah, sure doctor.

Nurse brought them in, Girija rushed towards him. Vyom and the nurse left outside.

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