Chapter 9

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You didn't mean to catch the news. You hate its constant focus on negative things and its reliance on outrage generation to get views. But as you're picking up the package you ordered from the post office you have to wait in line, and off to the side mounted on the wall is a television. Playing the news at a low volume with the subtitles on, the homeless man you worried about featured in a news story. His outdated state ID is displayed as they talk about the scene of the crime.

Mangled and mauled. It fits the pattern of killer you and Cole have been after. The killing of a human or Therian before the killer switches hunting grounds. You end up staying at the post office for far longer than you meant. Watching the whole coverage as you hold your package tightly against your chest.

You take the long way back to Cole's apartment, walking through the park to check for clues and observe. It's crawling with cops and without Cole none believe you are involved with the investigation. But you can see where they have the scene roped off. Cole redirected you around that spot a few nights ago. If he hadn't you both would have been the first to discover the body.

Cole was a panther at the time, he should have been able to smell the blood and decay. He must have, but then if it was to spare you from seeing it, why not call the cops or come back and discover it himself one of the times he's left the house without you? It's adding up but you don't like the answer.

He knew this man was dead. He knew and he hid it from you. You're nearly at his front door when it bursts open. Cole wide eyed and chest heaving. His hand grips the door frame tightly, his appearance more ragged than your used too. "Oh there you are! I thought I had... I thought you were gone. Gosh, I was so afraid!" He starts to laugh, low and relieved before he devolves into a loud manic laugh.

You open your mouth to ask him the questions raised by your investigation but he pulls you into a tight hug. "I was so worried, my love." Your heart flutters. He was definitely just trying to protect you before that has to be it. Your misunderstanding.

"Cole, they found that homeless man's body in the park..." He pulls back always from your brow cocked. "The time of death would have been before we walked through there. We walked right around it—- and I—- you must have been able to smell it." You hate how much it sounds like an accusation.

His expression grows cold, his gaze examining your face closely before he gives a regretful half smile. "Ah, perhaps I did smell something rotting." You nod figuring as much. He shuffles his feet, biting his bottom lip and look much like a child caught lying.

"Why didn't we—" You start to ask but he interrupts you.

"I was being selfish, I admit." He holds your hands and brings them up to his lips. He lays soft kisses against the back of your hands, trailing them to your knuckles. "I wanted so badly to give you a work free holiday, to have it be relaxed and happy. To shower you in my affection." You feel unsure, which must come across in your expression. "I'm always surrounded by death and decay and violence. For once I wanted to devote time only to you, my love. A week of softness and heated whispers."

He's so sweet. You can easily forgive him. It makes perfect sense now that you've heard him explain it. "Oh, that's so nice." You embrace him tightly. "I— love you too." You've never said that to someone not your family before. He gives you a shocked expression before letting out a shuddering breath.

"I'm never going to be able to let you go." He says under his breath, pulling you into the house with his lips seeking out your neck. "With a new victim taken out, the killer is likely to move areas." Cole explains, leading you to his office. He motions to the large map of the city he has marked up with tacks and strings, his hand rests on your lower back as he leads you around. "Not many places in this city the killer hasn't been."

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