Chapter 6

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In the morning as you fix Cole his coffee he seems to be back in his usual mood. You feel determined to have him acknowledge this morning, but you're too cowardly to ask. Instead you grab your purse and disappear into the bathroom. No change of clothes is available to you but you carry your makeup with you. You take a quick shower and get to work dolling yourself up. You hope just the aesthetic of trying to get his attention is enough because you're not sure what his type is.

He certainly notices your return to the room. His gaze never leaves you, drawn to your eyes. But he doesn't say anything, his eyes glued to you and you freeze in panic. Wishing he'd say something. "Oh! Excuse me!" He says breathlessly. "I didn't mean to stare. I've just never... Met anyone quite like you. I'm glad we've met. And even more glad that we've become... partners." Cole trails off at the end. Not what he wanted to say?

"I should probably run home for a change of clothes." You offer as a way for you both to escape the awkward moment. He hesitates to answer. "I'm sure Garret is worried anyway." Cole's expression hardens and he gets up, straightening his tie and running his fingers through his hair.

"Instead why don't I take you shopping? After all, you could use new work clothes." You try to refuse but he won't take no for an answer. You find yourself at a clothing store you'd never even look at with your poor funds. You ask for his input and find that he starts to pick out pencil skirts and shoes with slight heels on them. You're getting 'secretary' instead of assistant detective vibes but he seems quite pleased with the way you look and your heart flutters every time he compliments you.

"Going over the case files last night, it seems like you've got a decent idea of the killer's motives and methods. I'm surprised you don't have a better idea of who they are, like a profile?" You're not sure if profilers are real or if that's just a tv thing. He pays for the clothes and carries your bags.

"Your keen mind is matched only by your striking appearance. How this world of death and crime lured you in is anyone's guess." He seems to be ignoring your point at first but once you're both outside the store he drops his voice low. "I have hunches as to what our killer may be like. But it's not my field of expertise. It's likely a male Therian, one who's a predatory animal, a large one. They either don't work or have a very flexible job that accommodates their transformation. Able to travel around the city without ever seeming out of place." He trails off looking a little surprised at himself.

Maybe he's just seeing it now as he says it out loud but all those things fit him. Of course you trust him, you've been with him as he investigates. "So you're getting close to finding him?"

The corner of his mouth turns up in a subtle smile. "I know you're smart enough to see why I might be hesitant to share that information." He comments with a dismissive wave of his hand. "But you're in the game now, so there's little chance of escape. I would advise you to embrace the journey, and let it lead you wherever it may take you." His grin is full of sharp teeth that are every bit a threat as they are a promise. Of what you're not sure, but you're excited to find out.


Cases dry up as Christmas approaches, the snow makes it hard to hunt Cole says when you ask. "Well it's nice that the killer takes the holidays off." You breathe out, half serious, half joking, your words tinged with a sort of bitterness. Cole stifles a laugh, he reaches out stroking your face and gently directing you to look at him.

"Look at me for a moment. Yes, that's it." He presses his forehead to yours. "There is something in the way you look at the world that intrigues me. How much brighter it must seem. I envy those sparkling eyes." He waxes poetically before pulling away. He wants to kiss you, you want him to kiss you. Why won't he kiss you?

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