Chapter 3

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The investigation is slow for the most part thanks to that case Cole was so wrapped up in, the possible Therian pet stealer/killer also leading you in circles. Evidence regarding Princess is non-existent save for that collar. But tonight Cole promises you that he's tracked down enough clues to find Princess.

You're walking beside him in unfamiliar territory, in an even poorer part of the city than you live in, most street lights flickering or not functioning at all. Cole walks confidently, weaving into alleyways and cutting through private property. "You seem tense, do you not trust me to keep you safe?" He asks in a hushed tone.

You shake your head. "I do, I'm just on edge." The closer you get to the perpetrator the more your friends start talking about strange threats or stalking they've noticed. And while no threats have been aimed at you, you feel eyes on you quite often now.

"Our killer's identity as a Therian making you nervous?" Cole questions with a single quirked brow.

"No, I know lots of Therian." You reply defensively. Cole pauses by a small fenced in yard. "I'd trust any of them with my life." Whoever is doing this isn't doing it because it's their nature but because of something else. Untreated mental illness being your best guess. Cole turns away from you quickly, almost making you miss his pleased smile. "Then the chase shall continue."

"Hardly a chase when we are always so far behind." You sigh.

"Make no mistake, we are on a chase." Cole says with a wide gesture. "In pursuit of prey, which leaps ahead and tries to lose us." He looks into the yard with attentive eyes. "Only in this case it is the antelope chasing the lion, trying to catch its tail. If we catch them... Well, you'll have to hold on tight." You nod at the weight of his words just before a branch snaps.

"Over there!" He shouts suddenly and you hear more rustling in the bushes. An animal fleeing into the darkness too fast to identify. You and Cole give chase, Cole leaping fences, climbing walls with grace and speed. You aren't able to do that, running instead the long way and only keeping up because your frequent jogs with Kelby.

Cole leads you in a confusing zig zag until you both reach a rundown warehouse, your chest heaving and burning as you struggle to take in enough air. A soft mewling noise can be heard. You perk up and force your hands to pull at the door. Locked. Of course. Cole gently moves you to the side and gets down on one knee, picking the lock with specialized tools you didn't know he even had, pulled out from his sleeve. "Sometimes to catch a criminal you must learn their trade." He explains without prompting.

The door clicks open and inside the dark warehouse filled with soggy boxes of molded goods are three cat carriers. One has a striped orange cat you've seen missing posters for, one has two kittens inside it huddled for warmth in the damp cool air, and lastly is Princess, her luxurious fur damp, not starved but with obvious weight lost from a month away from home and Garret's generous amount of treats.

You quickly take the kittens and put them with Princess to warm up, shoving your own jacket in with the orange cat. Cole walks past you shining a pocket sized flashlight around. "Best not come further. I'll need to preserve this crime scene... seems our criminal slipped away as well." You don't care that they slipped away, you're so happy to have found these missing pets.

"Can I take these cats home with me? Or do they—" Are they evidence of a crime? The smell of the warehouse is damp and slightly coppery, distracting you from further questions. You stand up and take a step towards Cole who holds up his hand, palm out.

"Not every animal here is—" He debates for a long moment, picking his next words carefully. "Returning home." You freeze in place the coppery smell lingers as a taste in your open mouth. Your heart sinking. "You can take those cats, I'll handle the grisly side of this." He says disappearing into the warehouse's dark depths.

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