"I think you're right." You hum in agreement. A cry in the dark ahead bristles the fur on Volks back and he sprints forward leaving you to play catch up. "Volks!"

"I smell blood!" He answers well ahead of you with his four legs.

"Ahh! Please don't eat me!" Another familiar voice hits your ears. Sweet and higher pitched, that's Nimh's voice! You round a parked car to find Volks growling at Nimh as he cowers against a wall, his knees scraped and bleeding. Volks predatory eyes glued to the bright red blood that drips down Nimh's pale skin. Nimh's transformation cycle doesn't match up with Volks's, he's only half transformed but he still smells like a rabbit, a piece of meat to the wolf. Prey. You don't hesitate to throw your arms around Volks neck.

His teeth gnash and snap near you. "Y-you idiot, I could kill you." Volks growls holding himself back with every ounce of his humanity.

"Nimh what are you even doing out here?" You ask with a trembling voice. The rabbit Therian swallows down the dry feeling in his mouth.

"I was helping a friend look for their missing cat, and then I got separated and then it got dark and I kept thinking I was being watched and I ran and I tripped." His golden ears twitch and his eyes dart to a far off shadow. You turn to the shadow and feel an intense gaze, but you shake it off. "My place is so far and the buses don't run this late so I was heading to you and Garret's place."

Garret, thank the heavens for him, he works out of town and was looking for a roommate just as you blew into the city. He helped you move in and he pays most of the rent in exchange for keeping the house tidy and his cat Princess fed when he is gone. He's a huge Therian man at 6'5 with huge muscular tattooed arms, his animal form that of a bull. Volks relaxes into your arms, his hold over his mind regained as the blood on Nimh dries.

"I should go, rabbit boy better get you home safe or I'm eating him." Volks says in an empty threat, pulling away from your loosening arms. His fur still bristling, his eyes drawn to the same dark corner Nimh is eyeing. "I'll just stand guard here for a moment."

Nimh helps you stand and you both walk the last few blocks to your apartment. His hand on his chest as he tries to calm his weak heart. "I hope Garret can drive me home." You wince at the thought, Garret is a terrifying driver.

The color red compels him to keep going sometimes. You don't have a car or you would offer. "I've been feeling really spooked lately. But that's sort of normal for me. So... Thank you for making me feel safe." Nimh mutters awkwardly as you reach your apartment.

"In general or in this neighborhood?" You think back to Volks's observation of the dwindling animal population.

"Just around here but I work in this neighborhood so I'm here a lot." The front door swings open, Garret's hulking frame taking up the whole doorway.

"Oh thank the goodness that you are alright! It was quite late and Garret was getting worried." He pulls both of you into a tight hug. "And you brought a friend! Come in!"

Even Garret chastises you for holding onto Volks as you tell the story. Therian, especially predator Therian can be dangerous even to family let alone friends. You stand firm that you'd do it again. Volks is a good person and you trust him to hold back his instincts. You want to believe that the right person could bring anyone back to their senses.


At work the next day you saw him for the first time. Cole. Though you didn't talk to him that morning or learn his name. He sat at the corner table in the cafe, drinking coffee after coffee with paperwork spread out in front of him. Hard to judge what he was working on without being nosey. His ruffled raven hair was brushed and not much else, his white button up shirt is pristinely white with sleeves partially rolled up, a red tie hangs around his neck, looking hastily put on.. His black slacks are not telling you anything about his occupation either.

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