Chapter 1

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Cole x reader where I play a game with myself where I try to never have anyone refer to you by name because I hate typing Y/N in place of a real name. Other Blush Blush guys are in here but few have much screen time besides Volks and Garret and none of them die.

Uses elements of Blush Blush's story (and many of Cole's voice lines) but you're not marshmallow in this. Instead of magical transforming boys they instead are a human subspecies called a Therianthrope. Therian's are explained lightly in the story but basically it's just a more complex form of lycanthropy. This is an excuse to have the boys in all three forms at various parts in the fic because animal boys are yummy.

This is my first time writing with a Yandere character. I wanted to emphasize what I like about the trope while avoiding or ignoring what I don't like. I love the insane level of passion and 'love' they have but I want to downplay the death and play up the devotion.

Cole does kill some animals in this and is implied to have killed humans and Therian alike but no killing is described. The reader has a pet in this but don't worry Cole doesn't hurt or kill it. The aftermath of some killings is described mildly.

This is in no way meant to be a depiction of a healthy relationship. Cole is not in any way someone you'd want to be with in real life and I don't endorse the kinds of things he does in this fic.

Content warnings for manipulation, stalking, possessive and jealous behavior, light dubious consent, and fetishization of virginity.

//::————::\\main story.

Cole's breath is warm on your neck, his hold on you tight and possessive. His fangs scraping against your neck like a threat or a promise. Fear spiking in you before Cole soothes it away with well practiced words and teasing lips. You never predicted this as the results of that incident that now felt so far away.

You'd been working a double shift at the cafe, and now had to walk home in the cold dark of an autumn night. You're hesitant to admit even to yourself that you're afraid of the dark, it's ridiculous for a person of your age. The unreadable shadows and unidentifiable noises make your overactive imagination weave stories about the possible dangers. It's all just in your head you remind yourself over and over. You're still hovering by the door after you lock up, afraid to leave the imagined safety of the light of the street lamp just outside the cafe.

"Hey, are you going to stand around all night?" A familiar voice made rough by his transformation greets your ears. A large wolf with a silky coat of black and brown fur greets you with an unamused expression.

"Volks!" You exclaim, crouching down to pet him. He half heartedly tries to move out of the way. Volks is a Therian or more accurately a Therianthrope, a kind of human that shifts form based on the phase of the moon. The transformation has three phases, a full animal form believed to represent your inner soul in some way and a half form where you have the ears and tail and maybe extra parts of your animal form and then your fully human form. Not that you're one.

But since moving here a year ago you've met quite a few of Therians. Volks being one of them. He typically stays away during his full transformation as he is prone to acting more on instinct at this time. "Please tell me you're here to walk me home?"

He sighs and rolls his eyes but what other reason was he here? "Yeah okay, I guess I can do that." He starts walking away expecting you to follow. "Bad scents around here tonight." He says in a low rumble.

"Like what?" His perception of what smells bad when he's a wolf is often skewed, he could be talking about that dog catcher again. He looks at you thoughtfully and chooses to avoid clarifying.

"Is it just me or are there less strays around here now?" He says instead. You were quite used to stray cats and dogs in the area, the city would fix them and then let them loose again as pest control for the city's never ending rat problem.

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