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"Mmm..." - Aubrey wakes up from her nap to realize how late it was.

"Huh?? It's already evening, where's Techno? He didn't even wake me up..." - Aubrey exclaimed.

Has he notice...? It's hard to act like the princess when I'm still panicking. - Aubrey thinks to herself.

Aubrey didn't enjoy her life in old world but that doesn't mean she has nothing dear there. Her friends, family, apartment... it wasn't a perfect life but it was her's. A world she felt familiar and safe.

"Mom..." - Aubrey mumbled.

Are you watching me from this new sky...?

Too much was taken from her in a mere instant. She misses the food, the drinks, the bookstores. Luckily everything here taste good for her and it seems like she doesn't need to learn their language. But... she's homesick.

"Haiz, I can't stay here and sulk forever." - She stand up and started to walks toward her castle.

"Since I'm already here... I might as well change fate!" - She confidently exclaimed.


"The princess soul should be around here..." - Techno mumbled while he follows a pink light.

Turning around a corner he get greeted with a man in green with a big X across his chest.

"You are-!!" - Techno raised his voice.

The figure flew toward him and placed his finger on Techno mouth.

"Shhh, you'll wake your precious princess up." - The green man grinned.

"You- you swap her soul?!" - Techno growled as he take a step back.

"Hey now... you know better than anyone that I can't do that without a proper contract." - The green man stated in disappointment.

"You must have tricked her into do this!"

"Accusing someone of something they didn't do is not nice you know." - The green man gave Techno a sinister smile.

"You simply were too worthless that she couldn't stand being near you is all." - He laughs.

"That word hits home doesn't it... Mr.Technoblade" - The green man slowly closes his distance between him and Techno.

"You're worthless to the princess..." - He grinned.


Techno father changed after his wife died. He started to abuse Techno verbally everyday. That slowly turn physical... Eventually he abandon Techno at a really young age, 7 to be exact.

He was just a kid looking for love, until he meet the princess and became her personal bodyguard. For the first time in awhile he felt needed, wanted. That soon changed after the princess met Dream. She follows Dream everywhere, doing everything he needs, gift him everything he wanted. After awhile, she started to get annoy at Techno presence and his obvious feelings for her.

Until last week, after a coma, the princess changed. She's following him now. She's giving him things now. At first, he simply thought it was just her acting strangely because of the coma but that wasn't even the princess. She was someone else completely.

Yet... after that man words, he couldn't help remembering how warm that bun was. It felt... nice to have someone cares for him. He haven't felt this way since forever.

He wanted to know more about this person. He wanted to know her name, her favorite food, her hobby.

The princess was the person who brought him in, but maybe that person can give him love.


Walking back to the princess castle, Techno saw a figure in front.

A small figure with blonde hair under the moonlight fidgeting.

Is she... waiting for me? - Techno blushes nervously.

The figure turned to him then ran toward him.

"Techno!" - Aubrey hugged him

"Where were you?! I was so worried!!" - Aubrey nagged and looks up at him.

She really was... - Techno thinks. - For someone like me...?

"Sorry... I had some business to take care of." - He looks away from her's eyes.

"I would appreciate it if you tell me beforehand next time..." - Realizing what she was doing, Aubrey shy away from Techno.

"Also... do you know how I got this scar?" - Aubrey raised the hand that pulled Techno sword.

"I woke up and saw it, with you around I didn't think I'll get this..." - Aubrey disappointingly said.

"That- um..." - Techno visibly blushed.

She doesn't remember?? I guess people don't tend to remember their own dream but...

"Whatever, I'm sure it will fade away! Come in I made dinner!" - Aubrey said with a bright smile.

"Have you eaten?" - Techno asked.

"I wanted to eat with you..." - Looking down, Aubrey stated. Her ears bright red.

"That not good princess! You need to eat on time." - Techno worryingly replied.

"Save me the talk, Nikki already scold me enough!" - Aubrey pouted.

As they both head inside, the awkward air around them started to disappear. The look Techno has this noon was gone and replace with a gentle, loving gaze.

She needs me... - Techno thinks.

"It is really ok for someone like me to eat with you...?" - Techno stop in his track.

"Not someone like you, I want you!" - Aubrey gives Techno a warm smile and grab his hand. The same hand that pointed a sword at her not that long ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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