Aubrey to princess

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Is it all that bad to wants to live in the book world?

"Be realistic." - Aubrey boss stated.

"But this could really work! Surely we can execute this!" - She impatiently replied.

"No is no Ms. Garcia!"

"But..." - She said as she looks down at the ground, feeling like shit.

She worked hard on this. She knows the company has the fund and resources to pull this off. She knows this "gamble", as her boss put it, will help the company.

"Why is it that this old-fashioned woman my boss!" - She thinks to herself while walking back to her desk.

"No... don't be like that Aubrey."

Slapping herself she gets back to work.

"Mom won't be happy if you turn out to be that kind of person! Be positive!" - She happily thinks.


"Ring ring", Aubrey walks into a new bookstore that just open near her studio apartment.

Walking around the isle she gets lost in her own head.

Books has always made her feels better. Of course it doesn't help that her wallet cries every times she leaves a bookstore, but what can a girl do when the world isn't as interesting as the book world.

Isn't it astonishing? How love are usually portrayed so sweet in books. How they go through every obstacles that thrown at them, distance, time, third parties, etc.

For Aubrey that doesn't matter, what she really cares about is, surprisingly, a side character that got his heartbroken.

She found a book called "Cursed" in an odd bookstore. She has a hobby of visiting new bookstore to see what they have. The tittle definitely caught her interest because this book was in the romance isle.

Never did she expected it to get her so hook on a side character. He was your typical childhood best friend but his life is so tragic. She can't count the amount of time she reread that book hoping for a better ending for him.

As time tick by she finally realize how late it was and paid for her new books.


"Geez that was a long day." - laying in bed she tirelessly exhaled.

"Would be nice if I can look at the night sky and read" - she sighed while looking at her window blocked with a brick wall.

"Maybe I should read it again." - Looking over to the book on her bedside table she thinks.

"No... I still have work tomorrow..."
"Oh who cares!" - She excitedly reach for the book and emerge herself in it.

The book speak of a princess obsessed with the man of her dream. He was powerful both physically and politically. His looks could kill and his smiles brings joy to any damsel that was in his present. A man named Dream, even his name is dreamy. Yet he could not be compare to Techno, a genius fighter, in Aubrey eyes.

Techno has always been there for the princess. Doing anything she asks, helping her in anyway he can, even trying to help her get with his love rival.

How can someone be so selfless... Aubrey has always wondered to herself.

Perhaps he feared abandonment. His father abandoned him as a child. He never found anywhere to go afterwards until he met her. A beautiful girl dancing with her sword under the moonlight, the princess of the kingdom of roses.

He vowed to protect her yet it wasn't hard to know he wanted something more. How could he, a lowly nobody, be with her? How could he, with hands stain with blood, touch her? How could he tells her the love of her life is only using her for the throne...?

He couldn't do anything as he watches his love fly into the flame like a moth. It wasn't that he didn't tell her, she didn't believe him.

The book end with Techno sitting on a pile of bodies, the corpses of all the factions that help Dream to the throne. His hair and clothes soak in the blood of those who harmed his love. She died from Dream assassination plan, Techno went mad soon after holding her cold and motionless body in tears. The first tear he ever shown after he makes his vow.

"Sniffles, Why must you be so lovesick..." - Aubrey cried.

"I wish I could make your life happier..."

I wish I was the princess


"Ugh... what with that light...?" - Aubrey grumbled to herself.

Wait... sun? - Aubrey thinks

She slowly sit up and get meet with a incredibly expensive looking room.

"HUH??????" - She screamed.

"PRINCESS ARE YOU OK???" - A cherry blossom haired boy rush into the room.

His hair was gorgeous, it was long, silky and captivating. His attire looks messy and improper as if he just woke up.

Staring at each other the blonde haired girl started to looks around in confusion.

"Don't scare me like that!" - The boy grab her hand in worries while looking down sighing.

This startle the girl so she pulled her hand back and looks into the boy red eyes.

Why does he looks... familiar...? - The girl thinks to herself.

Wait... Don't tell me

"Ukm... can I get a mirror...?" - she nervously ask the boy.

"Uh... sure?" - the boy reluctantly comply and hold up a mirror.

Looking at herself in the mirror she is now convinced of where she is

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Looking at herself in the mirror she is now convinced of where she is.

"Techno...?" - She said looking at the boy confused and worried eyes.

"Yes my lady...?" - He replied.

Holy shit I am really here-

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