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The door bell rang, as I went to open it, my mom pushed me out of the way so she could open it.

Hyunjin cam home by 6 pm. 30 mins earlier.
He was wearing black jeans and a white blouse with a silver necklace around his neck, his hair pulled back.

I could see the frame of his body facing my mother's body:

As she opened the door, he was at first startled of her, since he wasn't expecting her to open of course, he bowed to her.

"Hey Mrs Kim, I'm Hwang Hyunjin." He said. I could tell he was really scared or nervous-?

" hey, why are you here ?" She said kinda glaring at him .

I saw him taken aback, his cheeks getting red as he scratched the back of his head.
I pushed her off of my way and came facing her.

"Hyunjin is actually my boyfriend, father asked me to invite him over" I said saying on defense of Hyunjin while taking his hand and dragging him to the living room.

He actually looked confused. My family was or specifically my mom, making me feel SOO embarrassed.
My father greeted him and they talked and stuff while me and my so called mom were preparing the table

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend" she said " I already did, yesterday, but you made a joke out of it" I said keeping my calm tone. " you know You're not allowed to have a boyfriend right ?" She said "well I'm 18, I'm an adult " I said going to the living room to call them for dinner.

The dinner was really really quiet, there was Chan with us of course.

"How did you know each others?" Mother asked "I transferred to her school this year and yea" he said awkwardly "why do you like Deiji ?" She asked again. As soon as she said that, he started coughing bcuz of the food that choked him "I- I .. because look at her, she's intelligent, pretty and hardworking" he said kinda clearing his throat "hahaha yea I don't think that you're talking about my daughter" as soon as she said that, my father looked at her "can you stop putting her down? You don't know anything about her". "Hey hey hey, um let's have dinner hahahaha, Hyunjin how's practice so far?" Chan said trying to stop them from arguing "oh, it's been some months, so I'm used to it now haha" hyunjjn responded "what do you practice ?" My father said "he's a trainee under JYP too ! He joined a few months ago" Chan responded "oh that jyp entertainment? I don't think that it's a fixed career.. you could fail after being under it for years" mother said "at this point, Hyunjin is really talented, He can dance and rap, and jyp complimented him lots of times" Chan said "well, pursue your dreams kids !" My father said "Deiji, what are you planning to do ? After dealing my word and getting into high school of arts ?" She said. Ok this bitch is really getting on my nerves "well, I'm doing perfectly great. Im gonna be a backup dancer or smthg under a company soon, I just need to audition" I said "haha audition my ass, you're going with us tomorrow, to New York" as soon as she said that Hyunjin and Chan started coughing "New York ?" Hyunjin said confused "yea about that, I'm not going, I can't let my life here and follow you to New York, I have a boyfriend, I have friends and school and my career" I said looking at her "you better watch your mouth" she said "well I she didn't  say anything wrong" my father said "stop defending her" she yelled making everyone look at her.

I just got up, took hyunjin's hand and wore my coat and went outside. We didn't talk, we just kept walking into we reached to the han river, the place where we mostly go to.

Its pretty..

"I'm sorry that you had to hear those words from her, she's just really annoying"I said in a loss of words
He took my hands on his making me turn to face him "you don't have to be sorry about it, I get it that my career can not be fix it's something that I already know about" he said "no but I believe in you, and I know that you're gonna do just great!" I said making him laugh.

How we are ....

We continued laughing going around and we had dinner outside.


Then everyone of us went home. It was already late, so I immediately went to my room, changed my clothes and slept.

I woke up the next day, and I decided to prepare hyunjin's bday party, since it's still only 5 days till it comes.

hwang's bday party

What is this gc for ?

I think it's for hyunjin's bday party

Mr steal your girl:
Can I invite yeri tho ?

Yes it's for hyunjin's bday

Yea ofc

Y'all are gonna go out with him the day of his bday trying to cheer him up since im gonna ghost him the day before till the night of his bday. While me and yeri, are gonna prepare Miso soup and a cheese cake and we're gonna decorate the whole place .

I hope y'all don't mess up

Sunshine :

Ofc, u have to

I don't think it's a great Idea to ghost him Deiji..

Mr steal your girl:
He's gonna be just fine dw about him.

Ok then

Did minho ever show up ?

No. At all

Im really worried about him. It's been 6 months

Mr steal your girl:
I hope he's okay.


Im really worried about Minho. I miss him. Idk what happened, and why he disappeared, he doesn't even pick up his phone..

I went out and bought a necklace as a gift for Hyunjin, just a silver necklace with a little silver heart on it. Simple but pretty. I went home and wrapped it on some paper craft.
When I went home. My parents were already gone. Leaving 2 notes behind them, this isn't usual.

"Deiji, we went to new york. You're gonna regret staying here. If you ever change ur mind, call me. -mom"

"Have fun Deiji, tell your Hyunjin that I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday. He's a really nice guy and I trust him with you. I sent extra money to your bank account tho. Have fun ! -dad"

Umm okay looks like they re still mad at each other.

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