Chapter 50 (Ryver)

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All week I have seen Sköll walking up the back terrace and entering the Packhouse on Saxon's territories. Why is he here? Why has he and Saxon been behind closed doors? They are too unlikely a pair. Last I checked they actually hated each other.

Worry festered in my gut that maybe Sköll was getting in with the wrong crowd. He is a good boy, but he can't help but get himself into trouble often. Saxon is a new level of trouble he probably shouldn't get himself into though.

I was allowed to use the phone to call my family today, and I know who I will ask about all this. Maybe Raine knows.

Of course the first to answer was my father. They all know I will be calling today, so they're all there. "Hi honey, you're on speaker" my dad's deep voice filled the phone and my heart. I miss my family so much.

"Hello everyone" I kept my voice cheery. It's not that I am entirely unhappy here. Saxon has been more fair than I even thought he would be, but still I love my family and being apart is very new for me. I don't want anyone to worry though. Especially Raine, or she might try to do something about it, and that's a whole different level of trouble none of us needs. I'm okay here.

"Sweetie, how are you? How are you being treated?" My father asked me as he always does. "I'm being treated well. I was so happy to see you all last weekend," I told them. "Aaryn's ego has taken on new life as the Alpha," I heard my sister's voice in the background teasingly. "Bow down little girl," I heard my brother's response. "I'd rather die," she scoffed.

"Anyways, honey, do you need anything? Did you start receiving your belongings?" My mother's kind warm voice made my chest swell again with comfort. "I have been. My bedroom here is starting to feel a lot more like home." There was a quick lull over the line.

"You have your own bedroom, right? He's not forcing you to stay with him?" My father couldn't help himself. I heard my mother mutter, "That's her Mate Devran."

The scoff I recognized to be my sister's. "Who cares?! Don't even touch him with a 10 foot pole, Ryv. You don't owe him shit" the little spitfire told me. I just shook my head and sighed.

"Okay this is awkward to talk about" Aaryn tried changing gears. "I have my own bedroom everyone, but yes, tell me some town gossip. I want to stay involved" I smiled just thinking about it. Wolves may pretend they aren't, but we are nosey creatures, especially within the villages we live in, and the people we've grown up around.

I guess that's one thing I don't feel connected to here. It's people. I don't know about town gossip. I don't even know the town or a single person outside this Packhouse.

"Well, the market day is coming up, so you know everyone loves browsing that. We'll miss you as our shopping partner" my mother started the gossip. "Oh, and Raven, now that she's in her title as Beta the community put together a little something at the kids school for her to talk about female leaders to encourage other she-wolves to step into their power" mom was still the one to continue.

"I helped Rune set that one up" Raine stated in the background.

"Oh! That's a lovely idea. I wish I could make it" I told them honestly. "Well honey, maybe as you and your Mate figure things out you can start coming to visit on your own sometimes, and you don't have to miss things like that. What do you think?" My father asked. I paused for a moment.

What would I have to do to get Saxon to agree to that? "Yeah maybe" I decided to say so the line wouldn't go dead with silence. I was in Saxon's office where the door is propped open and a staff member is standing at the door basically keeping an eye on me, and I am sure, of my conversation. Most Alpha offices tend to look the same. Territory maps are always pinned to walls or spread across a table. There is the thick wooden desk I am seated behind.

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