Chapter 49 (Sköll)

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I released a harsh growl and threw my fist into the trunk of a tree, which damn near shattered the bones in my hand. "Sköll" Blair gasped as she saw me punch the tree with force. "Stop it, you'll hurt yourself" she tucked her short strands of black hair behind her ear and tried clasping my hand to look for any damage. I ripped it out of her grip.

"Why Sköll?" She threw me off by shoving me slightly and asking a question I didn't understand. When she saw that I didn't know what she was referring to she added, "Why her?" My eyes immediately blackened. "I don't know what you're talking about nor am I in the mood to chat Blair" I warned her off, though she didn't listen.

"Yeah! You're not in the mood because you saw a guy touching Raine and it made you mad enough to beat up your own friend! And you're mad because she caught us in bed and now she doesn't want you!! So again, I ask, WHY her" she sounded angry at first, but then it almost sounded like she was pleading by the end of it. It made me uncomfortable.

"You're being dramatic," I snapped. She shoved me again, which was really fucking irritating. "Everyone saw it! You shouted in front of everyone that she was off limits. Why is she off limits, Sköll?" She was pressing me on this. I decided the safest bet was for me to walk away from her, but she wouldn't let me.

"I think I deserve an answer. You've been yanking my leash back and forth, closer and farther, for years now! You don't respect me at all! You never once cared that men approach me! You hate Raine! You hated her, and now you're acting like a jealous boyfriend, and it's not damn FAIR to me!" She shouted then swallowed hard when other emotions surfaced.

I turned away from her.

"You knew what it was that we were doing. Don't paint me out to be the bad guy because you let me fuck you" I snorted. She was a willing participant. Blair glanced down at my busted knuckles and laughed quietly to herself.

"Whatever you and her had, it's over now and you know it. Just walk away Sköll" she tried telling me what the fuck to do.

"Mind you fucking business. It's because of you that any of this started in the fucking first place!" I finally snapped. "ME?! How did I start anything!! You blame me because it's easier than you blaming yourself! You asked me to fuck you and I did! We fell asleep by accident, but I'm glad we did so Raine can see who you really are! You don't give a fuck about anybody but yourself" she sucked in a breath and started to cry.

I groaned and swiped my hand through my hair. "Nothing is going on with me and Raine and nothing is going on with me and you. Got that? Now leave me the fuck alone" I growled and this time I walked off for real.


When I got to the Packhouse I walked past the library door, and again I saw the light on, so I paused in the doorway. Again I saw Saxon sitting there with a two finger pour of whiskey in a short glass. His ankle was on his opposite knee and he sat there like he knew it was me walking by. I don't know what made me do it, but I decided to walk into the room. I walked past him and sat on the chair tucked into the small table at the back of the library, and I dropped my forehead on the table, leaving it there.

I heard Saxon stand from the armchair and walk over to the table at leisure. The scrape of the second chair sounded and then Saxon sat. I even heard his glass as he set it down. He didn't ask why I had my head down on the table, he just waited for me to ask a question because he knew I was.

"How do you get your powers?" I finally asked. When I sat up from the table I looked at his grey eyes watching me and he smirked. "Well...have you ever tried asking for them?" I scoffed, "Ask for them?" I sounded incredulous. "Yes" he deadpanned.

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