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Doll ?
Who's this ?

Uhm. Guess who ?

I don't have time for this. Stop texting me!

Ok , ok ! I'm gonna tell who I am .

Then who ?? And how do you know my Number huh ?

Ohh. Chill ! Who's the one who call you DOLL ?

Ah! I'm asking you , and now you're asking me ? Funny

Just think of it . In I'm gonna call you


Jungkook Sunbaenim Is that you ??

Bingo. you're too slow to guess, maybe someone else is calling you Doll ??

No ! You're the one who calls me Like that , and I hate it you know ? I'm not a doll

Whatever. you get used to it because that's what I'll always call you! so don't let anyone call you a doll besides me understood ?

So what are you now ? My boyfriend huh?

I didn't say anything like that. You're the one who say that, or maybe you really want me to be your boyfriend? 😏

In your dreams .. so how did you get my number ?

From my trusted source of course.

Oh! I think I know now ! I'm gonna kill him ..

Just chill doll , How are you ? Have you eaten ?

I'm fine and Yes I'm done . How bout you sunbae ??

I said don't call me Sunbae ! Or else when we see each other again , I'm gonna call you Doll so loud ? So anyone could here it .

No thanks! And yes I'm gonna stop calling you Sunbae , are you happy now ?

Yes very much happy ! How are you ?

Asking again ? I said I'm fine !

Nah ! I mean different question ! you know what i mean ? the Night in the park

Ah. A little bit fine and thank you for that I feel better, I just really want to get that problem out! it's hard to deal with such a problem alone, so thank you for listening

It's ok ! Just call me if you want to bring up another problem, I'm ready to listen. Don't call anyone except me ok ??

Nah ! I don't want to waste your time for listening my Problem

No ! Your not wasting my time ok ? Promise me you're not calling anyone except me ..

What are you to me ? you act like your my boyfriend, do you know that? Huh??

Yes I'm your Boyfriend !

Yah !! What are you talking about ??

A Boy Friend , we're friends right ? 😏

Ahh. Ok ! I'm gonna End this , I'm going to sleep now , goodnight Sunbae

Yah doll !! I said don't call me sun...
( Lisa hang up the phone )

Aish this girl .. goodnight doll I think
I love you now

My Doll 💛
I said don't call me Sunbae ! I warn you enough Doll , wait for my turn 😏 you'll gonna Love it , Goodnight and Please dream about me 💜

Mr.Bunny 🐰
As if I'm scared Sunbae 😏
Dream about you ? Nah I think I'm going to have a nightmare 😎

My Doll 💛
So your really trying me huh ? 😏 Lets see 😎 doll .. 😘

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