Its never over..(2)

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The next morning was Monday, and you were forced to go to classes without your phone for the entire day. You were enraged, that mother fucking robot didn't give you your phone back the other night.

It was probably all scratched up now...

But you pushed on through the day without it.

At least you looked good wearing one of your many designer outfits. Having rich parents had its perks. You've never had to work hard a day in your life.

Lucky you...

Everyone at school admired you, or hated you. But you never gave a fuck, you were above them. The only people you hung around with were equally as rich as you and rarely did you interact with anyone else.

You were... a snobby bitch to say the least.

Spoiled Uptop your high horse.

But no one ever made you get off.

You sat with your friends at lunch, being bombarded with questions such as;

Why didn't you read my texts?

I called you like five times, I thought you died!

Were you ignoring us?

You managed to shush all your friends and explain that you had lost your phone but would get it back later.

"How did you lose it?" Anna, your best friend asked you.

She was your typical tall, blue eyed, dumb blonde, but only for like really stupid things, otherwise she could be incredibly smart.

"Er, my dad took it away..." you didn't want to tell them an animatronic snake swallowed it.

"What why? Aren't you eighteen?"

Yes, you had just recently turned eighteen less than a week ago.

"Sure, but his house his rules ya know?" You shrugged.

That wasn't a lie. You respected your father, and would always listen to him. Even without the blackmail you would've taken your brother to the pizzaplex simply because you respected your dad.

You'd just complain along the way.

Plus you wouldn't be moving out anytime soon. You still had a full year of school left and then college which was obviously gonna be paid for by your parents. So being disrespectful to your parents would be rude considering how much they did for you.

"That's lame. How was the pizzaplex though?" Your other friend, her name being Sara asked you picking at her food.

She never ate. Just picked at it, always striving to be skinny.

She was a fake blond, her natural hair being more of a dark brown. Her eyes were brown too and she was shorter than you.

"The pizzaplex was boring as fuck. I don't see how any teenager would find it fun..." you rolled your eyes remembering how rude Sam and Bonnie had been.

Not to mention how filthy the kids were.

Katie hummed, she was the last friend of your group. She was a red head with freckles all over her face. She was about your height and a bit curvy but incredibly confident.

"I used to like the pizzaplex, but haven't been there since the first time it closed down" she smirked, "maybe we could all go sometime? Just for shits n giggles!"

You cringed.

"Perhaps I could join?" A masculine voice spoke.

All four of you looked up to see a tall dude, with shaggy black hair and bright blue eyes. Like a husky almost.

He looked exhausted with bags under his eyes and his hands in his pockets.

For the dreary look he had a bright blue shirt with the words FUCK OFF in red.

"Why would we want you to come with?" Sara sneered.

"Well... because I know how to have fun there. I... know the place very well and I could pay for everything. I have plenty of money..." he smirked.

"I don't see why we'd go... the place is stupid" you huffed.

You really didn't wanna go there more than needed.

"I could show you places that are off limits to customers... like I said... I know how to have fun there..." he urged.

"What do your parents own the place or something?" Katie rolled her eyes.

"My dad did."

The four of you looked at each other. Was he being serious? Cause if he was then he was rich Rich... Fazbear entertainment made a shit ton of money...

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to see what kind of fun he had to offer...

"Before we decide on anything... who even are you?" You prodded narrowing your eyes at the boy.

"Eh, My names Will. Will Anders."

(Short chapter..... enjoy ^^)

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