The Truth

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It was just a few days before the Tournament, and Seth and his team were training. While they would not be competing themselves, they were given special equipment to communicate with their Pokemon, and to see the battle(Think to Pokken Tournament)

Later, Team SLAR was called to Ozpin's office, and there, they saw him with Goodwitch, and Ironwood. 

"Hey, something up?" asked Seth.

"Well, there is something that we need to discuss with you all," said Ironwood.

"What is it?" asked Alissa.

Ozpin then pulled up a book, and everyone looked at the cover.

Ozpin then pulled up a book, and everyone looked at the cover

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"What the?" asked Red.

"Wait," said Leaf, "Team Rocket said they caught that Mightyena on Remnant."

"What?" asked Seth, "Pokemon, here?"

"Well," said Ozpin, "It seems that we might have jumped too soon to the conclusion that Pokemon are extinct here."

"Extinct!?! HERE!?!"

"What is this about Ozpin?" asked Alissa.

"Now tell me, what is your favorite fairytale?"

"Well, what does this have to do with the thing right now?" asked Seth.

"Well, there is one that is well known here called the Four Maidens.

"An old wizard, who lives alone in the mountains, is visited by four sisters, who each in their own unique ways are kind to him. The first, Winter, encourages him to meditate and reflect; the second, Spring, brings him fruit and flowers and revitalizes his garden; the third, Summer, convinces him to step outside and embrace the world; and the fourth, Fall, urges him to be thankful for what he has."

"Moved by their kindness, the old man gives the four sisters great power so that they may travel throughout Remnant continuing to share their gifts. The four sisters promise to return and visit him yearly."

"Okay, so, what does this have to do with anything?" asked Red.

"What if I told you that it was true?"

Seth looked at him, and said, "Well, we've delt with crazier, so, this isn't a surprise."

"Before you go, there is something that I need to show you," said Ozpin.

"You're going to show them?" asked Ironwood.

"They know about the maidens," said Ozpin, "they might as well know where the current Fall Maiden is."

Ozpin then led everyone to the elevator and took everyone down to a secret level. Down the secret level, and at the end of a hallway, there was a strange chamber with a young woman who had a scar on her face that looked like it was painful. 

"This is Amber," said Ozpin, "the current fall maiden."

Mewtwo was let out, and he read her mind.

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