Mech Fight

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"So, why do we have to wear these masks?" asked Sun.

The Faunus made it to the meeting and were heading in, and were given masks.

"The whole point is that humanity saw us as monsters," said Blake, "so why not play the part?"

"That's dark," said Sun.

"So was the one who started the meetings," replied Blake.

Inside, Faunus of all types were in a room, and they were waiting for the meeting to start.

"Welcome, new brothers and sisters," said a White Fang member, "we are here to introduce you to some new comrades of ours."

The Fang member then introduced none other than, Roman Torchwick, Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet.

"Thank you, thank you," said Roman, "now, you're probably wondering 'Why is a human here?' Well let us be the first to say HUMANS are the WORST! So we have decided to help out. We will help take out the ones who are in charge of the kingdoms. You will then be in charge of whatever you want."

They then showed some of the stolen Atlas Tec.

"Behold our latest highest we procure," said Jessie.

"We'll be praised for sure," said James.

"We took them away because our hearts are NOT pure!"added Meowth.

"WOBBUFFET!!" finished Wobbuffet.

At the same time, Yang arrived with Red, Ash, Pikachu, Leaf and Neptune at a nightclub. "My friend is just inside," said Yang. The others went in while Neptune was still recovering from the speed Yang was going.

Yang entered and said "Hey boys, guess who's back?"

As soon as she came in, lots of men with guns came up to her, Ash, Red, Pikachu, Leaf, and Neptune.

"Define, 'friend' for me," said Red.

"Not exactly what I was expecting," said Ash.

"Stop, don't shoot," yelled a man.

He came up and said, "Blonde, what are you doing back here?"

"You still owe me a drink," said Yang.

She, Red and Leaf then walked down to the bar.

"What a woman," said Neptune. He then turned to a pair of twins and said, "Ladies."

The twins then scoffed and walked away. Pikachu then saw them walking off, and decided to be nice. He ran up to them, and nuzzled them. While they didn't fond over his cuteness, that didn't stop them from cuddling him.

"So Roman came in here for some of your men?" asked Leaf, "Where did they go?"

"I told you, I don't know," said the man known as Junior, "He came in, hired some of my men, and left and they didn't come back. I'm guessing that he wasn't happy with their services, which is SOMETHING I CAN RELATE TO!!"

Yang just sighed and said to the others, "Let's go."

"Well, we got what we could," said Red.

Pikachu waved goodbye to his new friends, and they waved back, as he climbed back on Ash.

Seth, Eva and Ruby were looking at Penny in amazement.

"What?" asked Ruby.

"Most girls are born," said Penny, "I was made. I'm the first synthetic life form to generate an Aura."

"Wow," said Seth, "that's cool! Professor Oak would love to meet your father! But Penny, just because you don't have bones and flesh, it doesn't mean that you're not a real person."

"Seth's right," said Ruby, "you are just as real as we are."

Penny then picked the two up in a crushing hug and said, "OH, YOU TWO ARE THE BEST FRIENDS ANYONE COULD EVER HAVE!!"

Seth and Ruby were struggling to breath, while Eva jumped down, and rubbed against Penny's leg.

Penny then put them down and asked, "Will you guys keep my secret?"

"Yes," said Ruby, "we promise."

"She went down here!" cried a voice.

Penny then picked up Seth, Eva and Ruby and threw them in a trash bin and closed the lid. Two men then found Penny by herself.

"Penny," said one of the men, "are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Just a scratch," replied Penny.

"Where are the other two?" asked the other man.

"What other two? I've been by myself all day," replied Penny as she let out another hiccup.

"Penny, you shouldn't make such a scene," said the first man, "you're father is not going to be happy."

Penny then walked off. Seth climbed out and looked to Ruby and Eva, signaling that it was safe to come out.

At the White Fang meeting, Blake and Sun thought it was time to go. They tried to leave, but the crowd kept pushing them towards the front.

Blake then shot the power box and said, "Guys, the window!"

They shot forward, outside, just as the wall burst behind them, and Roman was chasing them in a giant mech suit with Team Rocket inside with him.

"Okay," said James, "Why does he get to drive?"

"Because our employer put me in charge," said Roman.

The friends called the rest and they came to the fight.

Seth and Red were riding on their Charizards, and Rayquaza came and wrapped around the mech, and threw it down below the streets. Neptune and Sun jumped on the back of the suit, but it threw them off. Yang was punching it hard and then the mech slammed her into a pillar.

"Don't worry," said Ruby, "she gets stronger each time she gets hit. It's what makes her special."

Yang then emerged unhurt, and her hair was on fire and her purple eyes turned red. She then yelled and punched the mech until it broke to pieces.

Mewtwo, Gardevoir, and Mew all looked at them with anger. They then unleashed a triple shadow ball, only for them to shatter like glass. They looked to see them getting away on an airship with a girl with brown and pink hair and eyes, and a suit with knee-high, high heel boots, and an umbrella.

"Looks like he got a new henchman," said Yang.

"I guess you could say she made our plans," said Weiss, "Fall apart?"

Everyone just sighed in annoyance.

"What?" said Weiss, "Yang does jokes all the time."

"There's a time and place for jokes," said Yang.

"What!? Was this not the right time?"

"No, it just wasn't that good."

"Even Blue's taunts are better than that," said Seth.

"Well at least I'm trying!"

"Wait," said Red, "Where's Sun and Neptune?"

The two in question were sitting at a noodle booth. "Think they're okay?" asked Neptune. "Yeah," said Sun.

At Beacon, Jennifer and Delia gave their children a scolding, and then hugged them.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I just almost lost you already, I don't want to loose you again."

They then returned the hug, and Seth said, "I'm sorry Mom. We just think Team Rocket might be part of something bigger than just stealing mechs and Dust." 

Just try not to get into too much trouble," said Jennifer.

"Same goes to you Ash," said Delia.

"Heh," said Alissa, "With my brother, trouble's just around the corner."

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