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(Agh finally got this damn story updated!)

I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. The lights were off, and Bose was off fighting crime with the rest of Danger Force. I sat up, and threw the blankets off of myself. I stared at my stomach as the baby did its somersaults. "The heck dude," I muttered, "it's 10:00 pm we aren't going anywhere." I placed a hand on my belly, and he kicked at it. I laughed a little bit before getting up to use the bathroom.
    I made my way out of the bathroom, and grabbed some cold pizza out of the fridge to munch on. I plopped on the couch, and ate my pizza kind of quickly. Suddenly the door opened, and closed. "Chapa, what are you doing up?" Bose asked, still dressed as Brainstorm.
    "Couldn't sleep," I replied, "how was the fighting?"
    "Alright, The Toddler never seems to get the message. I laughed as Bose changed out of his suit. He sat down next to her. "Anything going on with you."
    "The little one never lets me sleep," I told him, "I also started making a date for the baby shower, and I finally ordered that crib and changing table."
    "Oh that's cool." Bose smiled, and I leaned into him, "maybe we can go start looking for clothes and stuff tomorrow."
    "That sounds fun."
    "However, you need sleep." I groaned.
    "I know, and I've tried."
    "Maybe he'll settle down now that I'm here." I smiled at him, and gasped when he picked me up bridal style, and didn't set me down until he put me on the bed. He kissed my lips lightly, before crawling in beside me.


    I sat in Bose's Sudan, as we stopped at a light. I looked out a window to see a mother pushing her kid, who looked to be about one in a stroller. I let out a silent sigh as I gazed down at my growing bump. I looked up to see that we had arrived at the shop.
    I grunted when I struggled to get up, and out of the car, when Bose came to my side to help me. "Thanks," I said, as I took a deep breath, "it gets harder, and harder everyday." Bose smiled at me.
    "Well he is growing bigger, and bigger every day!"
    "I realise." I opened the door, and the bells above our heads rang. An older lady looked up from her newspaper.
    "Hello young ones," she greeted, "need help looking for a baby shower?" I rolled my eyes.
    "No, looking around for our baby," Bose corrected her. The lady wrinkled her nose a bit.
    "Oh, well you two look awfully young to have a baby."
    "We realise!" I retorted. I stormed away, and began to look through some onesies. I heard Bose apologising to the lady when I pulled out some overalls. I smiled at it. I tried to picture a baby wearing it, and I put it back. I unfortunately can't purchase everything off the shelves.
    I then found a yellow onesie with a small blue dinosaur that had big red letters spelling out, 'ROAR'. I smiled at it, and placed it into a blue basket that I picked up at the entrance.
    Bose, and I reached the checkout about thirty minutes later with 5 onesies, 2 pairs of socks, 4 bikinis, and 2 bibs. Other than the dinosaur onesie, there was one with white and green stripes, an orange one with leaves, a red one that says "I'm a pain in the-" then it had a dog turned around, showing it's bottom. That onesie made me laugh. Then there was a blue one with yellow, green, red, and pink dots.
    One bib was green and said "Yum!" and the other one was light grey with an orange splotch to look like food. One pair of socks was plain white, and the other pair was blue.
    Then the bikinis were all different colours, being: oranger, pink, purple, and blue.
    As Bose, and I left a couple passed by us, shooting us dirty looks. I turned to Bose, and mocked them. He let out a laugh, and kissed my forehead.
    We then went to a diner, and sat down at a booth. "So any name idea's yet?" I asked Bose.
    "Not really," he replied, eating his chicken tenders. "What about Bose Jr." I rolled my eyes.
    "Bose, I love you, but I don't know how I feel naming my child after you (no offence to the person who suggested the name.)" He furrowed his eyebrows.
    "Okay Ms.Wise-Ass, have any suggestions?"
    "What about Finn?" I asked, ignoring his little sly comment.
    "Eh, like a fish's fin?" Bose shook his head, "what about Noah?"
    "That one is too popular, I don't want him going to school and there are two other kids named Noah in his class."
    "It's whatever," I told him, and picked apart a fry to eat it, "we have until we have to sign the birth certificate."
    "I know, it's just a pain in the ass to just call him, 'the baby'." I let out a laugh, and grabbed onto Bose's hand.

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