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I sat at my desk while Ray went on about how the "right" ways to handcuff a criminal. I sighed with boredom as I felt my stomach growl. I leaned forward towards Bose. "Hey, what time is it?" I whispered and he looked back at me before turning on his phone.
    "About noon," he replied, and gave me a warm smile. I looked down and licked my lip.
    "Are you two even paying attention?" Ray huffed, and put his hands on his hips. I let out a quiet laugh, and bit my lip gently.
    "Sorry," Bose replied, and glanced back at me, and I winked at him.
    "As I was saying-" I pulled out a piece of paper and began scribbling on it when Schwoz came through the door.
    "I'm ordering lunch, what do you guys want?" he asked.
    "Chips? Ice cream? Both?" I sat up.
    "Slow down, you can't just have chips and ice cream for lunch." I rolled my eyes, and crossed my arms. "Does Nach Ball sound good?"
    "Fine," I snapped. "I want something spicy." Bose went over to me and kissed my cheek to calm me down. It's safe to say it worked, and I just sighed, as my stomach growled again.
    "They hungry?" he asked, and placed a gentle hand on my belly.
    "Yeah," I replied, "if I don't eat soon, the baby might eat my insides.."
    "Gross image, but okay," he laughed, and gave me a kiss on the head. I pouted as Bose moved away from me. I decided to try and follow him. I pushed myself up, which took much more energy than expected, because my back was killing me. I made my way to Mika, who welcomed me with a smile.
    "You must be tired," she said.
    "No shit," I huffed, "I'm barely showing and I can barely get up, imagine what it will be like in a few months for now."
    "Well, you'll get through it." I huffed in disbelief, as I got in my chair, to go up in the Man's Nest. I jumped as the crime alert sounded. I quickly grabbed my tin of gum when I was stopped.
    "What are you doing?" Bose asked, "you can't fight crime!"
    "Why not?" He gave me 'are you serious look.'
    "You're pregnant?"
    "What if something happens to you or the baby?"
    "He has a point," Schwoz said, as he came in with the food, "fighting crime can be dangerous, why don't you stay here and eat?"
    "Because I don't want to sit around the Man's Nest for 7 months feeling sorry for myself!" I snapped, "I'll be careful!"
    "Plus people will get suspicious if she starts not showing up for calls!" Ray added.
"You're on my side?"
"Are you kidding? I don't want to lose a member while they're incubating!" I rolled my eyes.
"Don't put it like that!"
"Well I did," Ray huffed.
"I think it'll be best if she stays," Mika added, "if something happened to one of them I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself."
"Can everyone just quit it, I'm going!" She looked at their faces, "but if it makes you feel better I'll stay close to everyone, and take it easy."
"And you'll have Awol take you back as soon as things get too dangerous?" I nodded. "Just so you know," Schwoz started, "this won't be continuing for much longer."
    "I know," I said as I transformed into Volt, "I can barely fit into it now as it is." I said, stretching the suit around my belly.
    "Let's go!" Mika said, and we all held onto Awol, as he teleported to Hip Hop Puree. I took a deep breath as I took in the crime around me, news reporters already around the building as The Toddler shoved money into a sack.
    I looked into a mirror next to me, seeing that my bump was more noticeable in the tight uniform. I crossed my arm insecurley. I didn't want to bring attention to my pregnancy anytime soon, as I wanted my baby to have a normal childhood instead of them having to be protected from criminals.
    "Toddler, it's time for you to get back to your crib!" Awol said, but the man-baby just laughed.
    "No way!" he announced, "I'm having so much fun!" Suddenly three goons came towards us, one of them made their way towards me. I put one hand up in defence, and another one protecting my stomach. I felt the red electricity come from my hands, and zap the goon. He grumbled with anger, but stood his ground. Suddenly a flash came between me and the guy. I noticed Brainstorm attacking the guy, I decided to run over and help, zapping the goon.
    He pushed Brainstorm off of him, and struggled to get to his feet so he can run off. "Thanks, but I didn't need protection," I told my boyfriend.
    "I'm sorry, I couldn't just stand there and watch him attack you," he whispered back. I noticed Mary and Trent whispering to each other as they looked at us. I wrapped my hand around my small bump, giving my best effort to hide it.
    I heard Shoutout sonic scream the other goon's out of there, and The Toddler ran out crying as Captain Man chased him. I felt something strange, it didn't hurt, but it was weird. It was like I had eaten a live bug and its wings were hitting me from the inside.
    I gasped quietly, and moved my hand to feel my belly. It was my baby. I noticed Bose looking at me with a concerned expression, so I grabbed his hand, and placed it on the spot. "Do you feel it?" I asked. Bose furrowed his eyebrows, before his jaw dropped.
    "Is that-?"
        "It's our baby.."

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