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       I sat on the couch, leaning against Bose's chest. He basically hadn't moved his hand since I first felt the baby move, now instead of the feeling of bubbles bursting in my belly, it feels like the baby is doing somersaults.
    However, thank the lords that my nausea is getting better. I know longer have to throw up as much. Only certain smells, and foods make me sick.
    Although I've been peeing every 20-30 minutes, and I'm always eating. And I mean always! Whether it's 2:00 pm or 4:00 am, I'm usually snacking. As the thought came to my mind I felt my stomach growl. I looked at the clock: 5:30 pm, it read. I got up, and made my way to the kitchen. Bose however just looked over at me, he is used to this.
    I opened the fridge and grabbed the canned cheese, and then I went to the pantry pulling out the chips. Bose seemed to notice the food I grabbed. "Cravings?" he assumed.
    "Mhm..." I replied, squirting the cheese onto the chip, and shoving it in my mouth. "You know what's crazy." I added, as I sat back down, and Bose kissed my cheek.
    "I'm halfway through my pregnancy already!"
    "And you're handling it wonderfully!"
    "What's that supposed to mean?"
    "You haven't killed me yet!" I let out a laugh, and cuddled into him.
    "Right, yet!" I added, "don't press your luck." I smirked at him as he pretended to gulp. "I'm kicking this whole pregnancy thing's ass!"
    "Yeah you are."

I woke up at 6:00 am to pee, and I decided to forget sleep as I made my way to the kitchen. I poured myself a bowl of cereal, and sat on the couch. Eventually I heard movement in the bedroom, and Bose came out a few seconds later, "Hey you're up early," he said, and gave me a kiss on the head.
"I woke up at 5 and couldn't go back to sleep," I explained. I turned my head and Bose pressed his lips against mine. I placed my hand on the back of his neck, and deepened the kiss. Once we broke apart Bose gave me one last kiss on my nose.
He wandered over to the kitchen, and got himself a bowl of cereal. "What time is the appointment?" he asked.
"Noon," I replied, and I got up to shower. After my shower I tried to get dressed. I pulled up my jeans, and furrowed my eyebrows. It felt like I couldn't breathe. I quickly took them off, and grabbed some of Bose's clothes.
Thankfully they somewhat fit me, however I knew I had to start looking into maternity clothes. When I stepped out of the room Bose smirked. "Cute clothes," he told me, and I glared at him.
"Hush," I snapped, "they were the only things that fit me."
"Aren't there clothes for pregnant women?"
"Yeah, I'm going to order some later." Bose nodded, and allowed me to cuddle with him for a little bit before he went to get ready. 


I sat on the couch eating cheese with ice cream. "Chapa, what are you eating?" Ray asked, gagging.
"Cheese, and ice cream," I replied. The only one who wasn't disturbed was Bose, who is completely used to it. Suddenly I felt a thump inside of me. "You're awake, go back to bed," I said to my stomach.
Bose gently placed a hand on my belly, although I wanted to smack his hand away, but I figured it was better not. "You kids should probably get ready, Dr.Kestine will be here soon," Schwoz announced, "the room is all set up, you just have to prepare yourself."
    "Thanks," Bose answered, and I shoved the last of my food in my mouth, before we made our way to the room.
    The room was just like one you'd find in a hospital. It had a bed/table thing, a desk, chairs, and an ultra sound area. I sat on the chair next to the desk, and Bose sat next to me. "Are we gonna find out the sex today?" Bose asked. I shrugged.
    "If you want, it might be easier to pick out clothes if we knew," I replied. Suddenly the door swung open, and Dr.Kestine stepped in.
    "Hello, how are we doing today?" she asked, and took a seat.
    "Alright, I'm tired," I replied.
"Good, that's expected," she smiled, "any questions, changes, or concerns?"
    "Uhh well my morning sickness is getting better, and I began to feel movement not too long ago."
Dr.Kestine took my normal vitals like listening to my breathing, heart, blood pressure, and other stuff. "Alright you sound and look wonderful. Now let me get ready, and see if we can get a look at the baby," she told us, and she began to get the stuff she needed out. "Are we finding out the sex today?"
"I think so," Bose replied, and she nodded. I laid down on the table, and pulled up my shirt. She spread the gel over my stomach, sending shivers down my spine. Our midwife began to scan my stomach, and the screen moved around.
"Alright here we go, you can begin to see its head, and it looks like everything is coming along nicely." Dr.Kestine began zooming in, and she also pulled out the heartbeat thing (forgot what it's called.) "Alright, are you two ready? If they will stay still we can find out it's sex," she said.
    I looked at Bose who nodded. "I think we are."
    "It looks like you are having.." she trailed off, "a little boy." I felt my heart leap. A little boy...a little Bose. I leaned into Bose's chest, who gave me a kiss on the head. Dr.Kestine found his heartbeat, and the thumping sound filled the room.
That's my boy...our boy.

Hey guys! I know it's crazy having me not post for weeks, and then posting everyday. Good news is I have an uploading schedule that I am hoping to stick to! Also I need names for Bose, and Chapa's little boy! :)

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